sallerton wood
Sallerton Wood has a wide diversity of habitats including valley-side Ash
woodland, Hazel coppice, Alder woodland, and a stream. Traditional management
methods such as coppicing are practised, often with local community involvement
on Craft and Conservation Day events. It is a place of education for people
interested in learning about traditional and sustainable woodland management
methods, and the utilization of woodland timber to make craft products. Forest
School sessions are available for accompanied young children from the local
community. Tutor-led Green Woodwork courses are offered to make products such as
mallets, spatulas, spoons, bowls, kuksas, shave horses, stools, and chairs from
green wood. These courses take place in workshop shelters within the heart of
the woodland. Green woodwork and timber-framed products made within Sallerton
Wood are also available, including stools, chairs, woodland shelters, log
stores, and sheds. Commissions for these a