Here at J M Training & Consultancy our priority is to meet your bespoke training needs with a flexible and innovative approach so that we can provide excellent service delivery every time.. Our bespoke training is developed to meet the individual needs of your company, ensuring a level of compliance and safety which exceeds the minimum standards. We understand that the care sector is not a 9am – 5pm provision and as such we are happy to deliver your training at a time to suit you – weekdays, evening and weekends. Our instructors are highly qualified with the necessary qualifications in the lifelong learning teaching and coaching sector to provide specialised training across a variety of settings. Their years of hands-on experience coupled with bespoke course content, enables us to provide stimulating, real life scenarios to ensure your training is relevant to the workplace and of the highest standard.
Distance & Video Led Courses, Homestudy,,Qualifications Distance & Video Led Courses, Home Study Diploma, Home Education, Schools, Therapy Training Qualifications, Distant Online Qualifications
Home - YMCA Worcestershire
We are committed to offering the best quality, industry recognised training to empower our learners. We are built on the belief that our learners' training and development needs are the most critical.
Yoga Classes | Wildlove Yoga Down to earth yoga classes based in Worcestershire, here at WILDLOVE YOGA you learn to connect your body and mind through yoga and adventure.
Holistic Health Care in Redditch - Omega Therapies We are a holistic healthcare centre based in Redditch, close to Worcester and Birmingham . We offer many complementary and alternative medicine modalities.
Private Day Care Nursery - Little Peoples Learning Academy Worcester UK
Acacia Management Consultancy offer guidance and support to ensure maximum return on your company’s current Training Levy contributions and future training investments. Acacia can also help you offset the Levy against your current learning and development budget.
Action on Pre-eclampsia (also known as APEC) aims to raise public and professional awareness of pre-eclampsia, improve care, and ease or prevent physical and emotional suffering caused by the disease. We do this by providing information and support to members of the public who are affected by pre-eclampsia
Health Care Agency- SCL Recruitment Services Ltd SCL Recruitment Services Ltd are a recruitment company who specialise in the Health Care Sector. We provide Temporary and Permanent staff across the UK,