Dog Training - Sharon Kelly Dog Trainer Dog training and dog behaviour classes in Telford. Any age and any breed. Help your dog be the best they can be with a qualified and insured dog trainer.
Wolverhampton Dog Training Society
Fortiscorde Dog Training | Professional Gundog Training Gundog training for Worcestershire and the West Midlands. Breeders of quality Working Cocker Spaniel puppies. Stud dogs also available. Fun and informative.
About Us - Rance Healthcare Services About Us. Rance Healthcare Services are specialists in providing skilled domiciliary carers within social care settings. Our staff are trained to understand the specific needs of individuals to provide the best care.
Astra Border Collie Puppies - Working Sheepdog, Puppies for Sale Border collie puppies for sale, ISDS reg. DNA Health tested, Working parents, Border collie puppies of pure quality for Herding, Agility, Active Family Pets.
Howard Jones is a Senior Instructor for Guide Dogs for the Blind - with almost 30 years experience with Guide Dog puppy training and teaching Guide Dogs for visually impaired people to live independent lives. You can be certain of the best possible training and experience available.