Football Team | Elite Coaching Soccer Academy | Lancing At Elite Coaching Soccer Academy our aim is to ensure that everybody is learning new skills and knowledge in a fun, energetic and engaging environment.
“Our primary aim is to inspire an appreciation and, above all, an enjoyment of this dynamic and fulfilling discipline that is not only a science and an art, but also a contemporary martial system that is equal to any in the world. We therefore invite you to explore our website and to come and meet us. However, each journey begins with a single step and I would suggest that first step should be… “Choose your weapon… “
Drum lessons | Brighton and Hove Drum Academy Drum lessons in the Brighton and Hove area, Brighton and Hove Drum Academy provide personalised, thorough drum lessons to Brighton, Hove, Portslde, Shoreham and Lancing.
Shaolin Tai Chi Kung fu Academy - Martial Arts School in Crawley
BoxFit Academy BoxFit Academy, Fitness, Weight Loss, Cardio, Personal Training, Crawley, West Sussex