Stoneacre Academy
We know how important day to day information is when getting to know a new school. Our ‘School Life’ page will provide you with information on equipment, uniform and our school day to give you a feel of life at Brinsworth Academy. The School Day Each day is split up into 5 different lessons. You will also have morning guidance at the start of your day. You will have to move around the academy site for each subject. Don’t worry, you will quickly learn where each teaching block is and you will get lots of exercise walking between lessons!
Professional Canine Training | Yorkshire | Dogocademy Build a great relationship with your dog and improve their behaviour. Contact Dogocademy in Yorkshire for professional canine training.
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Dance Dynamique :: Sheffield Dance, Ballet, Tap and Theatre School Dance Dynamique offers a range of dance, ballet, tap, street dance and theatre lessons in Worrall, North Sheffield near Hillsborough.
Personal Training Courses | Pivotal Training Academy Get qualified as a Personal Trainer with our Active IQ Level 2 Gym Instructing and Level 3 Personal Training Courses at Pivotal Training Academy or choose to study at home with a dedicated tutor via our e-learning platform.
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