harris academy bermondsey
I am honoured to have the privilege of leading this phenomenal school. Being
uncompromising yet caring is at the heart of all we do. We have unapologetically
high expectations of the girls in our care and the staff who teach and support
them. This is set against a backdrop of being relentlessly bothered about the
well-being, progress and success of our academy body. From day one we ensure
that our students and staff have every opportunity to develop their skills and
talents. The continuous professional development of our staff ensures that the
teaching our girls receive is of the highest quality and tailored to meeting
their needs. We also maximise opportunities for learning outside of the
classroom through trips, visits, theme days and career guidance that opens our
students’ minds to the possibilities and opportunities open to them. Progression
to the our highly successful HAB6 Sixth Form allows our girls pursue academic
and/or vocational courses of their choice which will further support them in
their next steps to university or pursuing an apprenticeship. Our girls are
happy, safe and successful in our care and we are all very #ProudToBeHAB.