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Sophie Eastwood Dance Academy
A fundamental part of our school is welcoming children into the club. We have a full children’s syllabus that has been approved by the World Association of Kickboxing Organisation (WAKO) and takes children from white to black belt. Our children’s classes start at age 4 and are split into three groups.
Football Team | Elite Coaching Soccer Academy | Lancing At Elite Coaching Soccer Academy our aim is to ensure that everybody is learning new skills and knowledge in a fun, energetic and engaging environment.
“Our primary aim is to inspire an appreciation and, above all, an enjoyment of this dynamic and fulfilling discipline that is not only a science and an art, but also a contemporary martial system that is equal to any in the world. We therefore invite you to explore our website and to come and meet us. However, each journey begins with a single step and I would suggest that first step should be… “Choose your weapon… “
Crawley Black Belt Academy - Crawley Black Belt Academy
Drum lessons | Brighton and Hove Drum Academy Drum lessons in the Brighton and Hove area, Brighton and Hove Drum Academy provide personalised, thorough drum lessons to Brighton, Hove, Portslde, Shoreham and Lancing.