st anthony's girls' catholic academy
It is an honour and a great privilege to be the new Acting Executive Headteacher
of St Anthony’s. My role is the strategic lead and I hold the statutory
responsibility for the school. I am also the Acting Executive Headteacher for St
Wilfrid’s RC College in South Shields; another outstanding secondary school
within Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust. I wish to reassure you whilst
the leadership structure has changed at St Anthony’s, the mission of the school
has not. We are as committed as ever to ensuring your child experiences an
outstanding level of education which caters for their needs both academically,
pastorally and spiritually. I firmly believe that every student can be the best
version of themselves and fulfil their true God given potential through
encouragement, mutual respect, a commitment to learn and by meeting our high
behavioural expectations. I have already been so very impressed with the conduct
and the attitude of the vast majority of students, and am looking forward to
supporting them all to develop further, succeed and flourish in what is a very
special and treasured community.