Specialists in Hairdressing & Barbering In 2011, as a subcontractor of Fareport Training Organisation, we achieved Grade 1 Outstanding from Ofsted. The report states that the teaching and learning of practical skills are inspirational and our learners’ skills are well above the requirements of their qualifications!
The swim academy was born out of a love for swimming and the passion to help anyone motivated to become a (better) swimmer. If improving your swimming technique, fitness or speed is the goal, helping you achieve this while enjoying the process is our mission.
Discover How You Can Gain A Gold Standard Level 3 Personal Training Diploma For As Little As £45 a Month. Our Next Course Starts This January At Studio Twenty 3 Academy in Chandlers! You Do Not Need Any Pre-Qualifications To Do This Course
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English Classes Online, IELTS - The English Chat Cafe Online Academy Learn to SPEAK English with confidence, pass IELTS exams, and make an impact on your career and lifestyle - our English classes are fun too!