red snapper learning
Inclusive and diverse organisations are more robust, agile, and successful than
those who fail to make the connection between Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
(ED&I) and commercial advantage (McKinsey, Jan 2018). We aim to ensure that EDI
is at the heart of all we do as an organisation in both the services we provide,
and as an employer. We believe in Equality for all, and that every person has
the right to be treated fairly and with dignity and respect regardless of
gender, disability, ethnicity, religion and belief, gender reassignment, sexual
orientation, age, pregnancy or maternity, marriage and civil partnerships. RSL
have worked with leading employers and are experts at building the business case
for ED&I. We help our clients to: Highlight areas of concern to demonstrate
where they can affect business growth & priorities Identify areas of potential
bias and inequality Develop strategies and training programmes that lead to a
long term cultural change Inclusive cultures ensure all employees flourish and
organisations attract the best talent. Our learning Programmes are based on
years of experience and feedback, demonstrating how learning is an essential
part of long term behavioural change, growth, and sustainability.