angel community canalboat trust
Angel Community Canal Boat Trust or ACCT The Angel Boat is a charity which
operates a skippered community canal boat for use by local residents and
community groups at a cost they can afford. Based in Islington, London N1 our
trips can be from part day to 5 days with overnight stays on board, and can be
arranged in partnership with the London Canal Museum. Themes available include
water, wildllife, history and environment with the benfits of team-working and
learning to give and take instructions.
We can take up to 10 children and young people together with two adults in
charge. Also suitable for SEND young people.
See our website for more information about our two boats.
To discuss your needs and how we can match them, and to find out what funding we
might have available to reduce costs still further, call or email and speak with
Project Manager and Skipper Paul.