the outdoor training company
The Outdoor Training Company specialises in delivering very practical First Aid
courses and in providing training for journeying, particularly by canoe or on
Nordic skis. We are a Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) accredited centre
and our 3 day First Aid at Work and 1 day Emergency First aid at Work courses
are all certificated by this awarding body. In addition we can provide tailored
courses for groups or organisations and, in the past, this has included
everything from courses for outdoor professionals who need a course to fulfil
the demands of their work environment to schools just wanting basic CPR
training. We are also specialists in training individuals wishing to prepare for
their own adventure journeys. Whether your adventure journey is by canoe, on
foot or on skis - we can train you to be competent in all these forms of
journeying. Alternatively we can guide you on your bespoke journey but
throughout we would be aiming to give you the skills to be as proficient as
possible. In addition we can provide training in Leadership Development and we
are keen supporters of the ideals of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Our training
is not aimed at any particular age group - we just want to share our love of the
outdoors with whoever would like to enjoy being competent at what they do.