tony ryall training
The aims of Tony Ryall Training Ltd are to provide high quality training and
consultancy that has its focus on solutions rather than sanctions for those
individuals who exhibit challenging behaviour. A greater focus on monitoring,
evaluating and reviewing incidents is crucial in providing information on how
staff can share responsibility with the individual concerned for their behaviour
and learning. This ensures that staff have the training to de-escalate incidents
before the use of Physical Interventions are deployed. For the past 27 years
Tony has been working with Young People and Adults in various situations where
the individual has exhibited challenging behaviours. He has extensive experience
in working in the field of challenging behaviour in Educational, Residential,
Activity Clubs, and with Parents/ Foster Carers. Tony Ryall Training Ltd can
provide safe and effective training focused on the individual and the management
of challenging behaviour. We aim to equip staff with the necessary tools to
intervene before the need to use a safe and effective physical intervention.
However should this need arise, all of our training packages have been
accredited by the ICM Accredited Scheme (The Institute of Conflict Management)
and we strive to work within its Code of Practice. All training packages are
risked assessed.