marine training corps
ABOUT THE MTC Welcome to the Marine Training Corps. The Marine Training Corps is
a Community Interest youth organisation based across the United Kingdom.
Currently, we have units in Kent, Sussex, Derbyshire and Norfolk with a
three-year development plan to extend our units further into other counties.The
Marine Training Corps has a wide range of adult instructors combined with both
military and civilian experience to enrich the organisation for our young
people. The organisation has a three-tier level of executive leadership,
management and our operational staff. The combined experience of all staff gives
the MTC a unique framework of a learning experience for all of our cadets on
both a collective and individual level. Our general framework of study covers
the following at differentiated levels: A basic introduction to military life.
Drill parade and marching. Fieldcraft. First aid. Physical wellbeing. Mental
wellbeing and self-esteem. Map skills and compass work. Science, Technology,
Engineering & Mechanical (STEM)