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2956 Educators providing Awareness courses

Jayt David

jayt david

MARKETING TỔNG THỂ LÀ GÌ? KPI QUAN TRỌNG & CÁCH ĐO LƯỜNG HIỆU SUẤT CHIẾN DỊCH MARKETING CHO AGENCY Trong bối cảnh thị trường ngày càng cạnh tranh, các agency marketing không chỉ cần sáng tạo nội dung hấp dẫn mà còn phải đo lường hiệu suất chính xác để tối ưu chiến lược. Marketing tổng thể là một phương pháp tiếp cận giúp doanh nghiệp phối hợp nhiều hoạt động marketing nhằm tạo ra một chiến dịch đồng bộ và hiệu quả. Nhưng làm thế nào để biết chiến dịch của bạn có thực sự hiệu quả? Đó là lúc các KPI (Key Performance Indicators) phát huy tác dụng. Hãy cùng tìm hiểu chi tiết marketing tổng thể là gì [https://vietstock.vn/2025/02/marketing-tong-the-la-gi-bat-mi-phuong-phap-marketing-giup-doanh-nghiep-phat-trien-vung-manh-4511-1270538.htm] và các KPI quan trọng và cách đo lường chiến dịch marketing dành cho agency một cách hiệu quả nhất. MARKETING TỔNG THỂ LÀ GÌ? 1. MARKETING TỔNG THỂ LÀ GÌ? CÁC YẾU TỐ CẤU THÀNH MARKETING TỔNG THỂ Marketing tổng thể (holistic marketing) là cách tiếp cận marketing toàn diện, kết hợp nhiều yếu tố khác nhau nhằm đảm bảo sự nhất quán trong thông điệp và trải nghiệm khách hàng. Đây không chỉ là việc thực hiện từng chiến dịch riêng lẻ mà là sự kết hợp đồng bộ giữa các chiến lược marketing, từ online đến offline, từ xây dựng thương hiệu đến tối ưu trải nghiệm khách hàng. Chiến lược marketing tổng thể giúp nâng cao hiệu quả thương hiệu Các yếu tố cấu thành marketing tổng thể: * Marketing quan hệ: Xây dựng và duy trì mối quan hệ với khách hàng, đối tác, nhân viên và các bên liên quan nhằm tối ưu trải nghiệm và lòng trung thành của họ. * Marketing tích hợp: Kết hợp nhiều kênh truyền thông như digital marketing, social media, quảng cáo truyền thống để tạo ra một thông điệp đồng nhất. * Marketing nội bộ: Đào tạo và truyền tải giá trị thương hiệu đến nội bộ doanh nghiệp, giúp nhân viên hiểu rõ về thương hiệu và tạo ra trải nghiệm đồng nhất với khách hàng. * Marketing xã hội: Cân bằng lợi ích doanh nghiệp với trách nhiệm xã hội, xây dựng hình ảnh thương hiệu uy tín và có giá trị đối với cộng đồng. 2. LỢI ÍCH CỦA MARKETING TỔNG THỂ LÀ GÌ?  * Tối ưu hóa hiệu suất chiến dịch: Các kênh marketing bổ trợ nhau, giúp chiến dịch tiếp cận đúng đối tượng với thông điệp mạnh mẽ hơn. * Tăng độ nhận diện thương hiệu: Một chiến dịch đồng bộ giúp thương hiệu dễ dàng được nhận diện và ghi nhớ. * Tạo sự gắn kết với khách hàng: Chiến lược tiếp cận đa chiều giúp xây dựng lòng tin và sự trung thành của khách hàng. * Tối ưu chi phí: Thay vì triển khai riêng lẻ từng kênh, marketing tổng thể giúp giảm thiểu chi phí thông qua sự kết hợp và tận dụng nguồn lực hiệu quả. Tìm hiểu thêm về chiến lược content cluster trong marketing online: https://www.aprofitableday.com/directory-business_lis/listing/huong-dan-a-z-ve-content-cluster-giup-website-but-pha-trong-marketing-online-tong-the/ [https://www.aprofitableday.com/directory-business_lis/listing/huong-dan-a-z-ve-content-cluster-giup-website-but-pha-trong-marketing-online-tong-the/] KPI QUAN TRỌNG CHO MARKETING AGENCY 1. KPI NHẬN DIỆN THƯƠNG HIỆU (BRAND AWARENESS) * Lượt tiếp cận (Reach): Số lượng người đã thấy nội dung của bạn trên các kênh truyền thông như Facebook, Google, TikTok, v.v. Chỉ số này phản ánh độ phủ của chiến dịch marketing.  * Số lần hiển thị (Impressions): Tổng số lần nội dung xuất hiện trên màn hình của người dùng. Một người có thể thấy nội dung nhiều lần, nên số lần hiển thị thường cao hơn số lượt tiếp cận. * Lưu lượng tìm kiếm thương hiệu: Số lượt tìm kiếm tên thương hiệu trên Google hoặc các công cụ tìm kiếm khác. 2. KPI TƯƠNG TÁC (ENGAGEMENT) * Tỷ lệ nhấp chuột (CTR): Phần trăm số người nhấp vào nội dung so với tổng số lần hiển thị. Chỉ số này giúp đánh giá mức độ hấp dẫn của tiêu đề, hình ảnh và lời kêu gọi hành động. * Tỷ lệ tương tác trên mạng xã hội: Bao gồm lượt thích, bình luận, chia sẻ và lượt lưu bài viết, chỉ số cao tức là nội dung bạn đang thu hút khách hàng.  * Thời gian trên trang: Thời gian trung bình người dùng ở lại website – một chỉ số quan trọng đánh giá mức độ hấp dẫn của nội dung. 3. KPI CHUYỂN ĐỔI (CONVERSION) * Tỷ lệ chuyển đổi (Conversion Rate): Số lượng khách hàng thực hiện hành động như mua hàng, đăng ký nhận tin, điền biểu mẫu, v.v., chia cho tổng số khách truy cập. Chỉ số này phản ánh mức độ hiệu quả của chiến dịch.. * Chi phí trên mỗi chuyển đổi (Cost per Conversion - CPC): Tổng chi phí quảng cáo chia cho số lượng chuyển đổi. Đây là chỉ số giúp bạn tối ưu ngân sách quảng cáo để đạt hiệu quả cao nhất. Conversion Rate phản ánh khả năng thu hút và giữ chân khách hàng 4. KPI DOANH THU (REVENUE) * Doanh thu trung bình trên mỗi khách hàng (ARPU): Tổng doanh thu chia cho số khách hàng. * Tỷ suất hoàn vốn (ROI): Hiệu quả tài chính của chiến dịch marketing, thể hiện qua lợi nhuận thu được so với chi phí đầu tư. 5. KPI KHÁCH HÀNG (CUSTOMER) * Tỷ lệ giữ chân khách hàng: Phần trăm khách hàng quay lại sau khi đã sử dụng dịch vụ hoặc mua hàng. Thương hiệu có sự gắn kết tốt với khách hàng thể hiện khi chỉ số càng cao. * Net Promoter Score (NPS): Chỉ số đo lường mức độ khách hàng sẵn sàng giới thiệu thương hiệu của bạn cho người khác. NPS được tính dựa trên khảo sát hỏi khách hàng đánh giá từ 0-10 về khả năng họ sẽ giới thiệu thương hiệu. CÁCH ĐO LƯỜNG HIỆU SUẤT CHIẾN DỊCH MARKETING CHO AGENCY 1. XÁC ĐỊNH MỤC TIÊU CHIẾN DỊCH Việc xác định rõ ràng mục tiêu chiến dịch marketing tổng thể là gì là bước đầu tiên giúp agency đo lường và đánh giá chính xác hiệu suất của chiến dịch marketing tổng thể. Một mục tiêu cụ thể giúp bạn lựa chọn KPI phù hợp và tối ưu hóa các chiến lược thực thi. Định rõ mục tiêu chiến dịch giúp agency đánh giá hiệu suất chính xác Ví dụ một doanh nghiệp có thể đặt ra mục tiêu tăng 30% lượng truy cập website trong vòng 3 tháng để nâng cao nhận diện thương hiệu và thu hút khách hàng tiềm năng. Hay cải thiện tỷ lệ chuyển đổi từ 2% lên 4% trong 6 tháng nhằm tăng doanh thu và tối ưu hiệu suất marketing. Marketing tổng thể là gì nếu không phải là một chiến lược được xây dựng trên nền tảng các mục tiêu rõ ràng và có thể đo lường? Khi có mục tiêu cụ thể, bạn sẽ dễ dàng theo dõi tiến độ và tối ưu chiến dịch marketing một cách hiệu quả. 2. CHỌN KPI PHÙ HỢP Mỗi mục tiêu chiến dịch marketing tổng thể là gì cần có chỉ số KPI cụ thể để đánh giá hiệu quả. Nếu mục tiêu là tăng nhận diện thương hiệu, hãy theo dõi các chỉ số như lượt tiếp cận (Reach) và số lần hiển thị (Impressions). Những chỉ số này phản ánh mức độ mà thương hiệu của bạn được khách hàng biết đến thông qua các kênh truyền thông. Còn nếu mục tiêu là tăng chuyển đổi, cần đánh giá tỷ lệ chuyển đổi và chi phí trên mỗi chuyển đổi (CPC). Đây là những chỉ số quan trọng giúp xác định mức độ hiệu quả của chiến dịch trong việc biến khách hàng tiềm năng thành khách hàng thực sự. 3. SỬ DỤNG CÔNG CỤ ĐO LƯỜNG Marketing tổng thể là gì? Đây là một phương pháp tiếp cận đồng bộ, kết hợp nhiều kênh và chiến lược khác nhau để tạo ra một chiến dịch marketing hiệu quả nhất. Để chiến lược thực hiện hiệu quả thì các agency có thể sử dụng các công cụ sau:  * Google Analytics: Google Analytics cung cấp cho agency cái nhìn tổng quan về hiệu suất của website và các kênh marketing khác nhau với các thông tin về tỷ lệ thoát trang, tỷ lệ chuyển đổi,.... * Facebook & Instagram Insights: Đối với các chiến dịch marketing trên mạng xã hội, Facebook & Instagram Insights là những công cụ không thể thiếu. Chúng cung cấp thông tin về mức độ tương tác của người dùng với các bài viết, quảng cáo, cũng như thông tin về nhân khẩu học của đối tượng mục tiêu. * SEMRush, Ahrefs: Đối với các chiến dịch SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEMRush và Ahrefs là những công cụ hữu ích để kiểm tra hiệu suất SEO và từ khóa. Chúng giúp agency theo dõi thứ hạng từ khóa, lưu lượng truy cập tự nhiên hay số lượng backlink.  Tăng hiệu quả SEO với công cụ theo dõi từ khóa và backlink 4. PHÂN TÍCH VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ KẾT QUẢ Sau khi thu thập dữ liệu từ các công cụ đo lường, agency cần phân tích kết quả để đánh giá mức độ hiệu quả của chiến dịch marketing tổng thể là gì. Việc đối chiếu KPI với mục tiêu ban đầu giúp xác định thành công và hạn chế của chiến dịch. Nếu chưa đạt kết quả mong đợi, cần xác định nguyên nhân và điều chỉnh chiến lược phù hợp. Tiếp theo, dữ liệu cần được tổng hợp thành báo cáo trực quan, giúp agency và khách hàng có cái nhìn toàn diện về hiệu suất chiến dịch. Báo cáo này bao gồm số liệu về nhận diện thương hiệu, tương tác, chuyển đổi và doanh thu, giúp đưa ra quyết định tối ưu hóa nhanh chóng. Cuối cùng, dựa trên kết quả phân tích, agency cần điều chỉnh chiến lược marketing tổng thể để nâng cao hiệu suất cho các chiến dịch tiếp theo, đồng thời cải thiện khả năng dự đoán và lập kế hoạch marketing hiệu quả hơn. KẾT LUẬN Marketing tổng thể là gì? Đây không chỉ là chiến lược kết hợp nhiều hoạt động marketing một cách đồng bộ mà còn giúp tối ưu hóa ngân sách và nâng cao hiệu suất chiến dịch. Bằng cách phối hợp chặt chẽ giữa xây dựng thương hiệu, tương tác khách hàng, tối ưu chuyển đổi và đo lường hiệu suất, marketing tổng thể mang lại sự nhất quán và hiệu quả cao hơn. Đồng thời, việc theo dõi các KPI quan trọng sẽ giúp agency kiểm soát, điều chỉnh chiến lược kịp thời, đảm bảo doanh nghiệp đạt được mục tiêu kinh doanh bền vững. Giới thiệu thêm về digital marketing tổng thể [https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/784788928505082526] và các chiến lược hiệu quả

Spectrum Sen

spectrum sen


Spectrum SEN services provide help and support to both young children with special educational needs (SEN) and their families. Our services are completely bespoke and individualised as we fully appreciate that not ‘one cap' fits all. We believe in teaching and developing our students, creating tailor-made educational plans that encompasses their strengths and interests. This method has proven to be successful in aiding engagement, development and making learning fun! Our highly experienced consultants specialise in supporting individuals from start to finish, ensuring they reach their full potentials, equipping them with the foundations required to build on - to successfully pave the way to unlock the door for future opportunities and achieving their aspirations. Our consultants are devoted to making a difference in supporting SEN children and realise the barriers and challenges that families go through to best support their children. Spectrum Sen's dedicated team are here to support both the students and their families every step on the way! Each student will be assigned a tutoring consultant who will meet, discuss EHCP needs and options, before making sure all parties are happy with the devised educational plan. We want to help our SEN children become more independent, and more resilient by helping them identify their triggers, and teaching them how best to manage them. Our education, social development and life skills programmes is key in preparing them their next chapter of life or a further educational provision. We specialise is working with children with ASD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Dyslexia Dispraxia and children with complex overlaps. Our company director has a background in psychology and has over 20-years’ experience in special educational needs. Along with supporting families and young children in various schools across the South East, she has first-hand experience living with her own SEN children, (now teenagers) that identify with ASD, ADHD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Speech and language needs, Development delay and sensory difficulties. With many sleepiness nights and lots of failed school placements she made it her mission spending years studying and researching ways to understand the world 'as her children saw it' in order to best understand and help them. She now puts her knowledge to good use by supporting and training others. It is her aim to provide our young students with a better understanding of 'self' and boost self-awareness and self-esteem. She believes in children being able to express themselves freely, find their own identity and have the power to be autonomous. We incorporate a hands-on kinaesthetic learning to gain real-world and life skills - which builds confidence, that they will use daily for the rest of their lives. Our holistic approach promotes young minds, wellbeing and develops trusting rapports. Spectrum SEN has been formed to help and support young people and their families to achieve their goals. Our friendly and nurturing team work closely with parents, children, and local councils, ensuring the best possible support is provided. We believe in the personal approach and collaborate with a variety of professionals and therapists. All of our consultants are highly compassionate and experienced in supporting young people with SEN, fully DBS checked and safeguard trained. funding is generally granted by local councils through EHCPs or personal budgets, however, please do get in touch if you are in the process of applying for this, or you would like to use our services privately. All services are tailor made to each individual, we accommodate both full and part-time placements. We welcome parents, schools, colleges, and local councils to make enquires to discuss the needs of any individuals requiring support.

Touch the Earth

touch the earth


Shamanism is a way of life of our ancestors understand the connection to our Ancestors and spirits of nature that exist outside and inside us. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on the planet, it is in our roots. Wherever we live, all dimensions are real and everything in our world has a spirit, a life force. Walking this path deepens our communication with our Earth Mother and all that is. Within shamanism there are time tested healing practices which can guide our way to attaining balance and connection in the life journey that we are walking - "Rites of Passage" and "Handfasting" to help you to pass into the new phases of your life and just some of the ceremonies that can help you find your place or help you to embrace a new phase in your life. Connecting with creation can make us more balanced, and therefore healthier in mind, body and spirit. Shamanic journeying and life-energy restoral: the foundation of shamanic healing is the use and connection to the drum. The steady heartbeat of the drum carries us to the other worlds, to other realities. It is on this journey that the shaman encounters the healing powers, connects with the life force and can help to facilitate the healing process of mind body and spirit. With the use of the shaman's horse (the drum) a level of awareness can be entered at will, in which inner, spiritual realities can be perceived and experienced. A shaman journeys into the landscape of the person they are journeying for, always with the right intent and with their permission to determine what help is needed. Sometimes they can bring back a lost fragment and restore it to the individual, providing the person with the opportunity to integrate it within the totality of their being. They can also bring power allies back with them to help aid the healing process. During our life we can have traumatic events. These events can cause us to become out of balance. We bury them deeply within us and hold onto them. We send an aspect of our self into hiding. Within the journey we can seek out and find these fragments, return them. The shamanic journey is a powerful one. With experience one can travel to their own landscapes, look for their power animals, seek guidance, knowledge and interact with non-ordinary reality. Drum healing & drum washing: the drum is used like a scanner, and one is able to tune into the energy of the drum as it is passed over the person's body. It shows us the weakness of certain points throughout the body. Drum washing is a wonderful cleansing of the body. With the vibration of the drum the sound waves penetrate the aura and the physical body to bring about healing. It is a refreshing and invigorating experience. Science has proven that a constant, rhythmical drum beat can boost the immune system and relieve stress and tension within the body. Shamanic divination: divination opens doors, it is a guide to finding ones own answers. We all have the answers to the questions we seek within our own selves. Sometimes, however, we feel a need for guidance from someone else. Divination will help to show you to the door, but you must walk through it. Gaining knowledge and wisdom comes from our own experience.

The Fix Uk

the fix uk


Fix Events is one of the leading multisport event management companies in the UK, with over 11 years experience, hosting over 70+ annual events including running, triathlons, corporate and charity events. We create all-inclusive and welcoming events in some of the best locations in the UK, catering for the super competitive and experienced athlete to complete novices and fun runners. We run standalone events under the Fix Events name and also create successful series such as MoRunning, which supports the Movember Foundation, delivering 22+ MoRuns to over 15,000 MoRunners during November. We also host charity events such as the Go Dad Runs inspired by Colin Jackson, the Use Your Senses series in aid of Guide Dogs UK and the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Run Series. Why us? We pride ourselves in delivering the very best and most enjoyable sports events we can. We deliver every event with 100% passion and commitment, to the very highest standard. Services include website/registration system, venue searches, risk assessments, running orders, race timing, medical cover, photographers, medals, trophies, event day staff, refreshments/catering. Public & employers liability insurances. Our costs are competitive and as a small dynamic company we are always able to make effective plans to suit each budget. We assume a total management role leading into the event and on the day, managing all participants, controlling the activity and ensuring the event is completely covered in all areas ensuring safety, enjoyment and a huge success for all parties involved. See what our clients have to say about us: “2017 will be the fourth year that Colin Jackson and Go Dad Run have contracted The Fix Events to organise and manage our charity 5K and 10K events. We have an excellent and very close working relationship with Dave, Helen and their team and they cover all aspects of the event management for us. As well as the preparation work their 'on the day' management and organisation are first rate and we have had great feedback from the runners, volunteers, charities, sponsors and celebrities about how much they have enjoyed the events. We are delighted that The Fix Events are one of our key partners.” Martin Smith – Project Manager, Go Dad Run “In 2015 we contracted the Fix Events to manage a series of 5K and 10K running events in Glasgow, Birmingham and London. They also managed the registration system and handling of on-line charity donations. We held the fun runs to raise money for the Stroke Association and with the help of Fix Events we brought together thousands of people in support of this very important cause. We also raised thousands of pounds and a good deal of awareness for the Charity. The events themselves were executed seamlessly and extremely professionally, with the added elements of fun, humor and a relaxed ‘all-welcoming’ atmosphere. From the sign up process and on-line booking system, to the event day communications and actual event day delivery we were highly satisfied with the work Fix Events produced. We would not hesitate to contract them again or recommend them to other parties.” Gary Grange - Community Investment Manager, Royal Mail Group Communications Fix Events specialise in the managing of events for clients from start to finish, whether it be a company fun day or a competitive client event. We offer bespoke, tailor made packages to suit the client and their specific needs. We pride ourselves in delivering the very best and most enjoyable sports events we can.

Spencer Education

spencer education


The Spencer Educational Foundation was founded in 1979 and to this day remains the premier organization funding the education of tomorrow’s risk management and insurance leaders. THE SPENCER EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION: Awards scholarships and grants to students studying risk management, insurance, actuarial science and business Facilitates internship opportunities Provides on and off campus experiential learning opportunities through grants Funds development of risk management/insurance curriculum Over the past 5 years, the amount awarded through Spencer’s programs has grown by 43%. Spencer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies solely on the contributions of generous individuals and the industry. Spencer was named in honor of the late Robert S. Spencer, an innovative leader and past president of RIMS, and an outspoken advocate for risk management education. Since our founding, we have awarded over $8 million in scholarships and over $5 million in grants to universities and professional institutions impacting more than 60,000 students through our programs. We have taken actionable measures to foster a diverse pipeline of talent into the industry. The Spencer Educational Foundation believes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the risk management and insurance industry is a business imperative that only makes us stronger. Redesigned our scholarship application so that applicants can self-select their race/ethnicity and gender identity, in order to track (and measure) who exactly is receiving our scholarships. Changed our scholarship application review process so that all identifying information (name, demographics) is not visible during scoring, to avoid interference from unconscious bias to the extent possible. Enabled the creation of 43 new diversity scholarships (8 with the NYC Association of Insurance Women, 8 with Arch Insurance, 3 with the Latin American Association of Insurance Agencies (LAAIA), 6 with Argo Group, 2 with Beecher Carlson, 3 with Beckage, 2 with Hylant, 2 with AF Group, 2 with Travelers, 5 with Allied World Assurance Company, and 2 with Liberty Mutual), specifically earmarking funds to be awarded to students who identify with a historically underrepresented group. This funding represents a deliberate investment of over $180,000 in diverse talent. Reaching out to MSIs and HBCUs to inform them of our Course Development grant and other opportunities, to foster the creation of risk management classes and programs at more educational institutions that serve historically underrepresented groups. Working with other corporate partners and industry groups to sponsor diversity scholarships and course development grants at Minority-Serving Institutions. Awarded Course Development Grants to 2 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to develop and launch their first RMI course on campus: University of the District of Columbia and Fisk University. Awarded Risk Manager on Campus Grants to 2 HBCUs: Johnson C. Smith University and Lincoln University. Awarded grants to foster a diverse talent pipeline, including support for: the National African American Insurance Association’s Talent Development Competition; Appalachian State University’s D&I in RMI Initiative; Indiana State University’s Recruitment and Career Awareness Diversity Program; Howard University's 2022 FIRM Symposium; and others. Funded RMI curriculum development and experiential learning opportunities at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) including Northern Arizona University, Cal State University Fullerton, Cal State University Northridge, Mercy College, and University of Houston Downton. Met with other industry organizations to learn how we can collaborate on DE&I initiatives, including the WSIA Diversity Foundation, IICF, Gamma Iota Sigma , LAAIA, NAAIA, HBCU Impact, Insurance Society of Philadelphia (ISOP), CIAB, Sexuality and Gender Alliance of Actuaries (SAGAA), Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA), International Association of Black Actuaries (IABA), Chinese American Insurance Association, and others.




GovEd Communications is an interdisciplinary media, education, communications & technology company, with three distinct areas of operation: GovEd Digital Media Productions Digital media production for science, education, business & policy Film & Video Production • HE, School & Local Authority Films Educational Drama • Interactive Websites • Digital Archives Broadcast Projects • Web Video Projects • Corporate Films GovEd Consulting Education, media, design, marcoms & management consultancy Project Faraday & School Building Design Services • Research Curriculum Development • Science Communication • ICT Project Management • Strategic Comms • Policy Development GovEd Ventures Stand-alone technology, digital media & sustainability ventures What we do Our principal aim is to support improvements and effective communications in education and science engagement. But we also work extensively in a range of other areas, including wider public services, sustainability, social policy, the third sector, the creative arts and media, and in corporate communications. We do this through diverse and varied projects, including: digital media and marcoms solutions; outreach and curriculum projects; strategy, process design and project management; research and stakeholder engagement; social marketing; policy development; and the development of interactive technology products. We also have expertise in school building design, and through our work leading one of the three Project Faraday consortia, we have been recognised as leading specialists in school science labs and equipment. Through the Ventures part of our business, we pursue our own and co-devised projects from concept to delivery, and in a way which is deisgned to maximise their value and lasting impact. Although we are a for-profit company, the social value of our work is at the heart of all of our our projects and decision-making. We only pursue work which we believe to be of lasting social value. Education-specific and policy work In the field of education, all of our work is informed by extensive experience and detailed understanding of the education policy landscape and the day to day realities of front-line delivery of education services. We are committed to helping to strengthen the bridge between policy and practice in education through innovation, technology, targeted communications and awareness of research. Our team has an extensive track record in delivering innovative, effective and practical solutions for policy development, frontline delivery and promoting new thinking, for organisations ranging from government departments and key agencies to science institutions and individual schools. Our understanding of policy and public sector workforce development means that we can get under the skin of the challenges facing both organisations and frontline practitioners. GovEd can support all strategic development, communications, public affairs and project management needs, whatever their scale and budget. Our additional capabilities in video production mean that we can help provide a communications package that lifts ideas off the page and embeds them in hearts and minds. Our innovative approach to promotional and training films has won acclaim in Whitehall and the education sector and has provided new ways to turn original thinking into real impact. A dedicated area of our business, GovEd Technologies, is focussed on enabling teachers and learners to harness new technologies in practical and intuitive ways, through the research, design and manufacture of new products. To find out more about our services click here, or please contact us. GovEd Communications was formed in early 2006, and is registered in the UK. We provide services to clients throughout the UK and internationally.

Women's Life Coach, Julie Phillips

women's life coach, julie phillips


Choosing a coach is an important decision. You need someone that you trust and makes you feel safe. A person whose style serves and works for you. This is life changing, so it’s essential that you feel secure, understood supported and excited! If you are looking for a coach who is genuinely caring and kind but will also be brutally honest with you so that you can truly develop and achieve the life you desire, then read on…. I love what I do! Coaching is the most potent tool for positive personal change as I have experienced first hand. It ensures success and makes change stick in the long term. As a coach, I play the role of mentor, consultant and motivator, but I am not a therapist. The thing I enjoy most about coaching is that it is always positive and looking forward at the ‘how’: how you can move on from where you are and make a change? It is action orientated and concerned with the present and future, and less with the past. On a personal level, I have always been passionate about helping people live the life they envisage, both successful and happy. I believe the two are directly linked. My coaching style offers a balanced combination of challenge and support with the aim of raising a client’s self-awareness, including the impact they have on people around them. As a coach, I help individuals and teams gain clarity, feel empowered and achieve their greatest dreams by helping them unlock their best potential! Having gone through many life journeys of my own, and realising that it is only you that is in the driving seat. It has spurred me on to help other people with their own self-development and to truly live their best life. I work together to identify personal strengths, areas for development, and help to eliminate self-doubt and limiting beliefs. In addition to personal training, I specialise in working with senior management teams in family businesses, to maximise their strengths, help them meet their potential and reach both their professional and personal goals. Having previously worked as an MD, I bring this experience to my coaching practice, supporting clients to achieve positive changes in their productivity, leadership skills, time management, motivation, confidence, goal attainment and work/life balance. I understand the demands of a family business and the pressures faced by owners and their management teams. I am able to help leaders make the direct link between personal happiness and business success. Before setting up my coaching practice, I worked for the past 24 years within successful SME family businesses. I have been involved in significant turnaround situations; undergoing change management projects and building a business up from grassroots. I am experienced in personal development and understand the challenging pressures of being an entrepreneur. Drawing on my experience as a leader and a coach, I am able to help leaders and their teams find solutions for the challenges and opportunities in their working life. Family is core to me and being a single parent to three wonderful children, ranging from teenage to twenties am able to counsel on a variety of family issues. I enjoy tackling new challenges, the next being Base Camp Everest.

Wishing Wellness

wishing wellness


I offer a wide range of energy based natural complementary therapies in Scotland and Cumbria. Some of the different healing modalities are ground breaking and offer a broader perspective to understanding your health and wellbeing. Click here for a list of natural treatments Healing Focusing on clearing, healing and empowering yourself to have the strength and confidence in your body’s own healing ability and unique system. Many of us have forgotten how special we are, with unique gifts to offer others and how much potential we all have to heal ourselves. The focus of our sessions will be to put you back in the driving seat and to help you start living a more happy, peaceful and rewarding life. It is good to start with a cleansing treatment We can focus on reiki-symbol-newClearing and balancing the energy centres Raising your energy levels of awareness and self belief Understanding and reducing anxiety and stress Removing limiting beliefs and energy blockages Reclaiming your mind and focused thinking Techniques to help create the life you most desire Many of my clients explain they have come to a place in their lives where they feel powerless and are affected greatly by the circumstances around them. Some clients feel stressed and don’t know where to turn or feel they need to make changes in their lives and are not sure how. This changes when we realise that our realities are created within us and how we feel about ourselves and our life will greatly determine the outcome. Rather than taking a tablet to dull the symptoms of issues arising, Wishing Well Therapies is able to embrace every element of ourselves and to further understand and heal from within. The sessions allow a greater sense of freedom and empowerment that come from taking the reigns of your own experience of the world! I am based at Gretna Green covering Scotland and mobile to; Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dumfries & the Lockerbie area. Also working from the Wishing Wellness Centre at Morton Manor. Morton Manor is now a community centre after previously being a beautiful stately home surrounded by 4 acres of Chances Park gardens. It was presented as a gift to the people of the Carlisle in 1944 by Sir Robert Chance and is now a thriving community centre. The Manor, as it is fondly know, is a listed building and the interior still retains its original character dating back to 1780. The Wishing Wellness rooms are comfortable, warm rooms, suitable for therapies & training and can be found through the old billiard room cafe and half way up the main sweeping staircase. Home & Health visits Click here for details are available & taking into account the travel time & fuel it will cost a little more. I work with a combination of Universal energy, Pranic and Plasma Healing being channelled through me and I have been focused on these schools of learning for some years. My aim is to work with clients to help them feel a greater sense of calm, joy and self worth. Each session is entirely unique and my focus is to help each client individually to make sure they receive the treatment that is right for them at that present time. My clients have expressed feelings of increased energy, vitality and life changing moments in both mental and physical issues as well as increased levels of inner peace which is life enhancing. Being attuned to Reiki has had a huge benefit to my own personal health and I am very grateful to be able to share this healing with others.

Yasmin Zaman - The Portable Guru

yasmin zaman - the portable guru

For 20 years I’ve dedicated my life to inspiring others by teaching the self-awareness and self-care practices of connecting to the body and mind through various styles of yoga, mindfulness meditation, physical activity & trauma sensitive approaches to healing and recovery. My own life, and decades of working with diverse groups of people all over the world, taught me that when we take good care of ourselves, we value and appreciate others, and forge a better connection with the natural world on which we depend. My Bio includes more on my background, training, research papers and publications About four decades ago, yoga originally began as a way to care for my sore bones and tender tissues traumatized by a childhood fall, taught by a specialist teacher, practising what was then known as remedial yoga, today commonly referred to as yoga therapy. I know, without a doubt, that yoga and mindfulness meditation can heal the body, centre and focus the mind and restore sagging spirits. But being human and subject to the pressures of life, I didn’t always listen! Insecurity had me chasing a career: from teaching to working my way to senior roles alongside the great and the good in global Public Relations and communications for various not-for-profits and humanitarian organisations. The stress levels were stratospheric though it provided a dubious kind of glamour! Then one day I was diagnosed with a TIA (a stroke). And I listened. You don’t have to go through the same! Today, my work is varied: working therapeutically with patients referred for psychiatric care in a team of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and others; to teaching mindfulness-based and yoga classes & courses to the public who come in all shapes, colours and sizes. I am also interested in healing traditions from other cultures as a pathway to wholeness, e.g., shamanism. It’s been my privilege to lead programmes in partnership with local government agencies, GPs, academics, schools and corporate organisations to support everyone from children, young adults, working people, stressed, anxious and clinically depressed people, & those suffering with trauma diagnoses to learn ways to restore their wellbeing with skills and knowledge with an evidence base in science, mindfulness and yoga-based traditions. I have enhanced DBS and teach either group or one-to-one sessions online or in person: Weekly group yoga and mindfulness-based meditation classes (online & in person) One-to-one sessions and courses (online & in person) Yoga and mindfulness courses & workshops for all levels (dates to be confirmed) A blog and social media posts to inspire and provide resources to oil the wheels of your week (irregular!) A few retreats a year where you can immerse yourself in learning body wisdom and mind craft among kind, friendly and welcoming groups of like-souled people. In my free time I enjoy travel or watching travel documentaries, learning languages, walks with Mother Nature, the gym (not really but I do resistance exercise), music, art and dancing – Argentine tango and historical dances from the Baroque and Regency periods with the Winchester Baroque Dancers and Duke of Wellington’s Dancers. I am a Jane Austen superfan or Janeite and appear in a BBC documentary commemorating 200 years of her death in 2017! I have twin nephews and a niece, who all started practising yoga while very young. I’m hoping to add a rescue pug to the family very soon.

Smartthink Training Ltd

smartthink training ltd


Smartthink Training Ltd is a leader in Information Technology and solutions. We concentrate in the support and outsourcing, IT communications and business stability. We provide IT training in London and other fields of Information Technology. We make sure, that with a large effort, you would have the proper and excellent IT knowledge and skills you should have. IT Technology does not end in the finish line. We believe that it is only the beginning. With the development of IT technology, you have a sure way to become better in your individual and business goals and we do the best we can in order for you to reach success. We make it happen. Our training and expertise in the IT technology is unmatched and we want to share the idea with you. We continue to evolve in the growing market industry and make sure you have a wide connection with the outside world through the power of IT. We serve with full willingness and effort and make sure you would have the excellence you deserve. We are certified training providers in London and with the emergence of globalization; we give you the opportunity to excel according to your own terms. We have highly qualified consultant and trainers who have a PhD degree and would assure you have the excellent training you could get. We do the best that we can in giving you the right information and IT skills you need. Smartthink Training Ltd. is built with operational interaction we greatly provide for most of our clients. We give high standard training courses in London. We assure you have the best training and service you could get. Our staff makes sure you are not only provided with the right training but also the assurance of guarantee and satisfaction all the time. We believe that with IT technology, you could do the impossible. We are a bunch of Certified IT Professionals who believe that the present IT education and training should be about modern IT. We are in the Google epoch, an epoch that redefines the constitution of unbeaten business, innovative development and practical learning. We believe and discern from what has been, but we look forward to what will come. We believe that awareness does not stop when you reach the end of an episode, but, its pursuit has just begun. We believe IT is about dreams, impossibilities and defiance. We convey through our commercial industry experience, and we continually work in this evolving market, initializing new elucidation and helping organisations scratch their IT itch. We assist businesses to realize their true potential through Information Technology. It is all the above that we hope to pass on to you, these beliefs, these understandings, and these ways of things. We believe in globalization. For that reason, we are expanding our services globally and currently branch offices in Ghana. We have many years experience in scheming, executing and sustaining Information Technology and business solutions. Our support contribution is on a firm establishment of client service distinction and highly qualified and motivated employees. It’s our vision to distribute solutions that will achieve most business objectives. Smartthink Ltd is built upon the operational interactions that we have with our customers. We provide a range of services that makes our clientele see us as a fundamental extension to their establishments.