scaitcliffe community centre
Scaitcliffe community Centre is dedicated to being a leading social enterprise
in Accrington and surrounding areas promoting and operating inclusive activities
to create social and economic inclusion for disadvantaged communities, in
particular the vulnerable, young and elderly persons. Scaitcliffe community
Centre's Mission Statement shared by its Board, and staff, is: "To develop and
implement initiatives which will embrace and enrich the education, training,
employment, health, social, cultural and recreational needs of the local
community." To achieve this Mission Statement, Scaitcliffe Community Centre
offers a range of means to ensure those people most at risk get the tools they
need to make their lives better. Services and activities currently encompass:
Numeracy and literacy support and Capacity building; Active citizenship,
including volunteering; Community issues related to crime and disorder;
Children, young people and family learning; Sign posting for Information, Advice
and Guidance; Information and communication technology.