Our aim is to provide experiences and opportunities for children that help develop, beautiful inner confidence and healthy connections with ourselves, each other and the world around us. Love Learning and Flourish
Creative Arts Toolkit
Our work focuses on addressing food insecurity through redistributing surplus food and empowering communities to mutually support one another. We also seek to promote wellbeing by enabling access to our green spaces and facilitating peer support spaces.
Notting Hill Film Festival
Belmont Park ‘is a good school where students feel safe and make significant improvements in their attitudes to learning. Their academic achievement is good as a result' (OFSTED July 2014). We work with some of the most deprived and challenging children in the local community. It is our duty to give them the education and skills and the best of British values to become independent adults contributing economically and socially to our community. We are a special school for 65 students aged between 10 and 18 years old who have social, emotional and /or mental health difficulties which can lead to challenging behaviour. Students are taught in small groups at up to a maximum of eight with a teacher and a learning mentor. A small number of students will also have a dedicated learning mentor to support them through the school day.
Enact, from perform to performance - Enact Strategy Enact's activities range from individual coaching of senior executives to cultural change within organisations. Professional Actors and Business school academics