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2 Educators providing Accountant courses in Soham

Montague Consulting

montague consulting


Montague Consultants is focused on combining governmental experience and expertise with an in-depth and profound appreciation of private sector concerns to offer cutting-edge solutions to today’s business challenges. Montague Consultants combines an array of professional skill-sets at its disposal through its principal and its network of associates to offer an exceptional quality of service covering a range of business-related matters. Keith G.E. Worrell, F.C.C.A P.A. LLB (Hons) Principal Keith G.E. Worrell is a UK-qualified Chartered Accountant (F.C.C.A.) and a licensed member of the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (B.I.C.A.). He is a former lecturer at the London School of Accountancy and has had extensive experience locally in both the public and private sectors. Keith played an integral role in the evolution of the tax administration system in The Bahamas. Keith formerly headed the Department of Inland Revenue’s office in Grand Bahama, having joined the Value-Added Tax Implementation Project as a consultant in April 2014. He served as the Director of Tax Policy with the Department of Inland Revenue in New Providence from September 2017 until November 2021. Considered by many as the premier authority on taxation in The Bahamas in general and Value Added Tax in particular, Keith was instrumental in interpreting and applying tax laws and policy, participating in negotiations with major investors and taxpayers. In addition to his accounting qualifications, Keith holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) degree and completed a Graduate Diploma in Legal practice (GDLP) from the Australian National University in Canberra.




दिनांक 27.08.2022 को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार "Hindustan Colas Pvt. Ltd." द्वारा "New Technologies of Road Construction" विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) दिनांक 23.07.2022 को अपराह्न 3:00 बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार "Luminary Projects Pvt. Ltd." द्वारा "Pressure Injection Spray Technology for Pothole Repairs" विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency (UREDA) द्वारा 21st से 22nd जुलाई 2022 को Pacific Hotel Dehradun में आयोजित "To develop multisectoral state energy action plan (EAP) and decision support tool for the state of Uttarakhand" से सम्बंधित Two Days Visioning Workshope में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.7 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 18 मई 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह जुलाई से सितम्बर 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) दिनांक 06-07-2022 से 07-07-2022 को आयोजित Energy Simulation से सम्बंधित 02 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के कनिष्ठ अभियंताओ को प्रदान किये गये 138वे प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के अंतर्गत आवश्यक परीक्षाओ के सम्बन्ध में (480.0 Mb) भारतीय प्रतिस्पर्धा आयोग के प्रविधानान्तार्गत माह अप्रैल 2022 का द्वितीय Adcocacy Event का आयोजन दिनांक 21-04-2022 को अपराह्न 12:00 से 15:00 बजे तक विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के सभागार में आयोजित की गयी है | (3.7 Mb) Regarding Online MIS Training On Dated 12-04-2022 (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 22 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह अप्रैल से जून 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया गया था जिसके अंतर्गत दिनांक 18-04-2022 से 29-04-2022 के मध्य Road safety Engineering and Auditing के प्रशिक्षण हेतु नामित अभियंताओ की सूची में आंशिक संशोधन किया जाता है (2.9 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग में कार्यरत कार्मिकों को अमीन का प्रशिक्षण दिलाये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग, उत्तराखंड में कार्यरत मिनिस्ट्रीयल संवर्ग के 624 कार्मिकों को दक्ष एवं कुशल बनाये जाने हेतु वित्तीय नियमो की जानकारी, कार्यालय प्रबंधन एवं ऑफिसर सिस्टम एवं प्रक्रियाए सम्बन्धी प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करने विषयक (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Training/01/Training Calender/2022-23 दि०- 22 जनवरी 2022 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2022-23 के अनुसार माह अप्रैल से जून 2022 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (8.० Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०/वि०/याँ०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.6 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Institute of Road Traffic Education (IRTE) फरीदाबाद द्वारा Capacity Building of PWD Engineers and Police In Road Safety Management in Uttarakhand National Highway NH7 from Rishikesh to Badrinath से सम्बंधित प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.5 Mb) Indian Roads Congress द्वारा दिनांक 08-09-2021 द्वारा 24-25 सितम्बर 2021 तक "Sustainable Development of Green Highways in India" विषयक दो दिवसीय Webinar हेतु नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Bitchem Asphalt Technology Limited द्वारा मार्ग निर्माण में Use of Pollution-Free CRRRI-Bitchem Cold Mix Technology के संबध में Zoom App के माध्यम से टेक्निकल Presentation दिनांक 04 सितम्बर 2021 को अपराहन 3:00 बजे से (लगभग 1 घंटे हेतु) आयोजित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी , नोएडा का पात्र संख्या IAHE /Trg/01/Training Calender/2021-22 दि०- 25 मई 2021 द्वारा जारी ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2021-22 के अनुसार माह जुलाई से सितम्बर 2021 के मध्य आयोजित विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु उत्तराखंड लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियो को उनके सममुख अंकित तिथियों / स्थानो के अनुसार एतदद्वारा नामित किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Presentation by Techno RTM india Regarding" Evotherm Warm Mix Asphalt on Dated 20-02-2021 at 11:00 AM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) श्री सुरेन्द्र कुमार, कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (प्रा०) को दिनांक 18-01-2021 से 16-02-2021 की एक माह के अनिवार्य प्रशिक्षण में प्रतिभाग किये जाने से अवमुक्त किया जाता है (1.2 Mb) Revised Online Training On "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited, Dehradun "on Dated 08-02-2021 to 27-02-2021 (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited, Dehradun "on Dated 08-02-2021 to 27-02-2021 (8.1 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (6.5 Mb) Presentation by Tinna Rubber and Infrastructure Limited " Tinna Green Pave Emulsion and Modified Bitumen for Construction and Recycling of Pavements using Hot Mix Cold Mix Technology on Dated 06-02-2021 at 11:00 PM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (2.2 Mb) 15 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम "Certificate Training Course for Safety Engineers and Auditors" दिनांक 01-15 फ़रवरी 2021 के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (2.6 Mb) Presentation by Verma Industries New Delhi Regarding " REJUPAVE-Rejuvenator for Hot-in Plant and Hot-in Situ Recycling of Bituminous Pavement. on Dated 28-01-2021 at 12:00 PM at E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि०/प्रा०) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) कनिष्ठ / अपर सहायक अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के अभियन्ताओ को रोड सेफ्टी एवं रोड सेफ्टी ऑडिट से सम्बंधित ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम प्रदान किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (8.2 Mb) CSIR द्वारा विभिन्न विषयक Online Training हेतु अभियन्ताओ की सूची (9.1 Mb) IAHE Noida , U.P द्वारा विभिन्न विषयक Online Training हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड द्वारा नामित अभियन्ताओ की सूची (2.1 Mb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के अनिवार्य सेवा प्रवेश प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Construction, Quality Control and Maintenace of Structures"on Dated 28-09-2020 to 10-10-2020 (1.2 Mb) "Urban Mobility Planning and Management in Hill Areas" विषय दिनांक 28-09-2020 से 30-09-2020 के मध्य अकादमी में आयोजित प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) THREE ARMEE Reinforced Earth India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi के प्रस्ताव पर "Landslide Protection" विषय पर दिनांक - 19-09-2020 को आयोजित On-Line वेबिनार हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (2.7 Mb) कोविड - 19 द्वारा उत्पन्न परिस्थितियों के कारण प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम ऑनलाइन संचालित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (8.3 Mb) Online Training Programme on "Construction, Quality Control and Maintenance of Structures" Organized by Indian Acadmey of Highways Engineers (IAHE) during 28th September - 10th October 2020- Request for Nominations-reg" (5.4 Mb) "Geometrics Design of Highways using CAD Tools" विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम दिनांक 21-09-2020 से 01-10-2020 तक आयोजित किया जाना है अधिकारियों / कर्मचारियो का नामांकन (5.1 Mb) Online Training On "Design Construction and Maintenance of flexible Pavement"on Dated 31-08-2020 to 11-09-2020 (1.0 Mb) Online Training On "Design Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Expressways" on Dated 10-08-2020 to 21-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.1 Mb) Online Training On "Transport Systems Modelling" on Dated 10-08-2020, 12-08-2020 to 14-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Control of National Highways (Land & Traffic)" on Dated 10-08-2020 to 13-08-2020 हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.2 Mb) Online Training On "Design and Construction of High Embankment with Free Slope / RE Wall/Retaining Wall, Ground Treatment of Soft Soil" on Dated 17-08-2020 to 28-08-2020 (6.5 Mb) राष्ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन प्राधिकरण , भारत सरकार के सहयोग से "Landslide Mitigation and Detailed Project Reports (DPR) Prepration" विषयक 05 अर्द्धदिवसीय ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु अधिकारी नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.6 Mb) Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts for Highway Projects" from 27th july - 07th August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (888.0 Kb) Online training programme on " Operation Maintenance and Tolling of Highway" from 27th july - 01st August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (463.0 Mb) Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contracts for Highway Projects" from 27th july - 07th August, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (894.2 Kb) Request for nomination Online training programme on " Public Private Partnership (PPP) Contrats for Highway Projects" from 27th July 2020 - 07th August, 2020 on Cisco WebEx (5.0 Mb) Online training programme on " Asset Management for Highways" from 13th - 24th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (1.9 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग के अंतर्गत मुख्य अभियन्ता / वृत्तीय/खण्डीय संवर्ग के कनिष्ठ सहायकों को विभागीय प्रशिक्षण दिए जाने हेतु कार्मिकों का विवरण उपलब्ध कराये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.04 Mb) भारतीय राजमार्ग अभियंता अकादमी (आईएएचई) दिनांक 13-07-2020 से 24-07-2020 "हाईवे एसेट मैनेजमेंट" पर ऑनलाइन ट्रेनिंग प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन के सम्बन्ध में (4.3 Mb) Online Training Programme on "Operation Maintenance and Tolling of Highways" from 27th July to 01st August 2020 - Request for nominations Regd. (3.9 Mb) Online Training Programme on Planning, Design, Construction and Maintenance of Hill Roads from 20th to 31st july, 2020 on cisco WebEx Meeting - Request for nominations Regd. (8.5 Mb) प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजमेंट विषय पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम जो की दिनांक 13-07-2020 से 22-07-2020 तक निर्धारित हैं में अधिकारियों के नामांकन के सन्दर्भ में (3.64 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु श्री वी०एन० तिवारी, मुख्य अभियन्ता अल्मोड़ा , लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड को नामित किया जाता है (80.6 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (93.3 Kb) Online Training Programme Design Construction and maintenance of Flexible Pavement for Highway Projects from 22th june to 30th june 2020 - Request for Nominations Reg. (68.5 Kb) Online training programme on " Slop Management in Hill Roads & Landslide Mitigation" from 01st - 08th July, 2020 - request for nominations regd. (490.0 Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida (UP) में "Use of Waste Material in Highway Construction" विषयक दिनांक 01 जून से 06 जून 2020 तक आयोजित online प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (102.0 Kb) Governing council of IBC for 2020-21 हेतु उत्तराखंड से श्री एम०पी०एस० वर्मा मुख्य अभियंता क्वालिटी कंट्रोल लोक निर्माण विभाग देहरादून को नामित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (76.3 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering (IAHE), Noida UP, Online Training Dated 26-05-2020 to 02-06-2020 (196.8 Kb) IAHE Training Calander FY 2020-21 (364.0 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering (IAHE), Noida UP, Online Training (152.0 Kb) Presentation On "Bitumen Emulsion, PMD, CRMB and other Tech" by "Juno Bitumix Pvt. Ltd." on Dated 22-02-2020 at 03:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (565.0 Kb) दिनांक 20 फरवरी से 22 फरवरी 2020 की अवधि में "Road safety : A Futuristic Approach" विषयक 03 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यशाला के सम्बन्ध में (242.6 Kb) "Training Programme on "Disign and Construction High Embankments Ground improvment techniques for Soft Soil and Geo-synthetics Soil Structures. " के सम्बन्ध में (143.0 Kb) "Planning Disign Construction and opration of expressways including ITS/ETS" प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (96.1 Kb) संशोधित "Application of Unnamed Aerial Veicle (UAV/Drone) in Disaster Risk" on Dated 10th Feb 2020 to 14th Feb 2020 तक भारतीय सुदूर संवेदन संस्थान, कालीदास रोड, देहरादून हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (87.3 Kb) "Application of Unnamed Aerial Veicle (UAV/Drone) in Disaster Risk" on Dated 10th Feb 2020 to 14th Feb 2020 तक भारतीय सुदूर संवेदन संस्थान, कालीदास रोड, देहरादून हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (493.2 Kb) प्रदेश में संचालित / किर्यान्वित की जा रही योजनाओं की वित्तीय एवं भौतिक प्रगति का Online Portal "ई-आंकलन"" पर डाटा फीड किये जाने हेतु निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित किया जाता है (565.7 Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers, (IAHE) Noida. में रोड सेफ्टी ऑडिट प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (513.9 Kb) Two Days Training Program Regarding "Uttarakhand Procurement Rules 2017 & Government e-marketplace (GeM) by "Will & Skill Creation Private Limited Dehradun at Training & Research Institute (TRI), Dehradun on Dated 06-02-2020 to 07-02-2020 at 9:45 AM (112.0 Kb) Presentation On "Products and Services for Road Sector" by "Amit Ltd " on Dated 04-02-2020 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (603.0 Kb) Presentation by "JK White cement Works New Delhi " on Dated 15-02-2020 at 12:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (588.0 Kb) Presentation On "New Technologies of road construction and Bitumen Emulsions" by "Hindustan Colas Private Limited New Delhi" on Dated 04-02-2020 at 03:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (555.5 Kb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता (सि0/प्रा0) के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.9 Mb) Nomination for 05 days Training Programme On Dated 10-02-2020 to 14-02-2020 in Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida, UP India. (906.2 Kb) Nomination for Training "Pavement & Bridge inspection, maintenance,repair, rehabilitation and management system" On Dated 20th to 25th January 2020 At Indian Academy of Highway Engineers, Noida" (293.8 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उपविधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" विषय पर केन्द्रीय भवन संस्थान रूडकी में दिनांक 20-24 जनवरी 2020 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (365.5 Kb) Workshop Regarding "Application of Geographic Information System in DRm" On Dated 27th to 31th January 2020 (609.0 Kb) Presentation On "Request for Presentation & Products approval & application for your upcoming Projects" by "JALNIDHI BITUMEN SPECIALITIES PVT. LTD" on Dated 30-12-2019 at 11:00 AM (578.0 Kb) Nomination for Training"8th Task Force Meeting" "Construction Industry Devlopment Council New Delhi" On Dated 18-12-2019 in Civil Services Officer's Institute, Vinay Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021 (187.0 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उपविधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" विषय पर केन्द्रीय भवन संस्थान रूडकी में दिनांक 16-20 दिसम्बर 2019 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (280.2 Kb) Nomination of Delegates for 80th Annual Session of Indian Roads Congress to be Held at Samrat Ashok Convention Centre, North of Gandhi maidan, Patna Bihar From 19th to 22nd December 2019 (371.0 Kb) Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineering की तीन दिवसीय कार्यशाला में प्रतिभाग किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (612.8 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (309.8 Kb) भारतीय मानक ब्यरो National Building Code 2016 से सम्बंधित दो दिवसीय कार्यशाला विषयक (240.2 Kb) दिनांक 16 नवम्बर 2019 को अपराहन 3:०० बजे विभागाध्यक्ष कार्यालय के conference हॉल में अधिशासी निदेशक उत्तराखण्ड आपदा न्यूवीकरण एवं प्रबंधन सचिवालय परिसर देहरादून के द्वारा चयनित रा0इ0 कॉलेज में किये गये रेट्रोफिटिंग कार्यो की विडियो फिल्म विषयक प्रस्तुतीकरण का आयोजन किया जा रहा है (517.6 Kb) Presentation by "MIDAS." Technical Workshop at PWD Uttarakhand on Midas Bridge Desig Software" on Dated 08-11-2019 to 09-11-2019 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (610.2 Kb) Presentation by "JALNIDHI BITUMEN SPECIALITIES PVT. LTD." Request for Presentation & Products approval & Application for Your Upcoming Projects" on Dated 11-11-2019 at 11:00 AM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (602.0 Kb) Presentation by "Zydex" Regarding Sustainable lonf life Asphalt Roads using nanotechnology" on Dated 13-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (600.0 Kb) Presentation by "Verma Industries" Regarding "Supply & use of Rejuvenator for Asphalt pavement, Emulsion for Microsurfacing & Other bituminous Work" on Dated 16-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (600.2 Kb) Presentation byAR Thermosets Regarding "New Green Technology for road construction" on Dated 05-11-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (612.2 Kb) नवनियुक्त सहायक अभियंताओ को भारतीय रोड कांग्रेस (IRC) की मेम्बरशिप लेने के सम्बन्ध में (794.1 Kb) Nomination for Training Programme Indian Acadmey of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Transport & Highway) A-5 Sector 62, NH-24 Bypass Noida – 201301 U.P. (291.9 Kb) Presentation by Vedang Consultancy Service Private Limited Regarding "Implementation of Construcion Management & E-measurement System" on Dated 28-09-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (310.0 Kb) Presentation by Amil Limited Regarding "Range Products and Servies for Road Sector" on Dated 24-09-2019 at 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (1.4 Mb) Nomination for Training Program Indian Regarding "Academy of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Road Transport & Highway) A-5 , Sector 62, NH-24 Bypass Noida - 201301 U.P." (313.0 Kb) Regarding Prakash Chandra Pant AAE, PD Almora, Training At "Engineering Staff College of India" Subject of Regulatory Practice in National Building Code 2016" Dated 11-09-2019 to 13-09-2019 (227.0 Kb) Training Program Regarding "Road Safety and road Safety audit (Level-2), On Dated 09-09-2019 to 13-09-2019 At AITD New Delhi (RSA) (270.0 Kb) Presentation by Zydex Industries Pvt. Ltd. By "Vision of pothole free, water & snow resistant rural Roads/Highways in Uttarakhand" on Dated 31-08-2019 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hall (456.5 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (267.0 Kb) 3 Days Training Workshop 26 to 28 August 2019 Regarding "Housing Model Technology : A Futuristic Approach" (645.5 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (309.5 Kb) 95th Meeting of Governing Council of IBC & Technical Seminar (527.2 Kb) "भूकंप सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye-Laws)" 05 Days Training Program (328.0 Kb) Technical Presentation on "India Road Safety Products" at 02-08-2019 at E-in-C office Conference Hall (612. Kb) Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE) Noida, UP India के ट्रेनिंग कैलेंडर वर्ष 2019-20 के अनुसार विभिन्न विषयों पर आधारित प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु उत्तराखण्ड लो०नि०वि० के निम्न अधिकारियो को नामित किया जाता है (1.8 Mb) Training Program on "20th Edition of Geosmart India" by Survey of India at HICC Hyderabad on Dated 03-12-2019 to 05-12-2019 (216.0 Kb) Training Program Regarding "Auality Assurance, Health Assessment and Rehabilitation of Bridges" at CSIR- CRRI New Delhi on Dated 29-07-2019 to 02-08-2019 (612.0 Kb) Presentation by Asaian contec Ltd. Regarding "NDT&QC Product Solutions" on Dated 29-06-2019 2:30 to 4:00 (500.00 Kb) Technical Presentation by "SWAREFLEX INDIA" on "India Road Safety Products" On Dated 26-06-2019 Conference Hall at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (294.2 Kb) सहायक अभियन्ताओ के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (687.8 Kb) भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (312.1 Kb) Nomination for One Day Workshop on "Safety for Vulnerable Road Users" on Dated 31st May 2019 At Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune (235.4 Kb) Nomination for One Day Workshop on "Safety for Vulnerable Road Users" on Dated 31st May 2019 At Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune (1.4 Mb) Educational Session on "Road Safety Manuals (IRC 67, MORTH Sec 800), Road Signages & Road Furniture" By 3M India Limited, Hariyana On Dated 17-06-2019 3:00 PM At E-in-C office Conference Hal (591.9 Kb) Software Applications for the Purpose of Skill Up-gradation Presentation by Mitulaksh Mukerjee, Centre Head, CADD Centre भूकंप सुरक्षा मैं भवन निर्माण उप- विधियों ("Building By Laws") विषय पर केंद्रीय भवन अनुसन्धान संसथान रुड़की मैं दि०- 20-24 may, 2019 के मध्य आयोजित 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम मैं प्रतिभाग करने हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग से निम्न अधिकारीयों को नामित किया जाता है (664 kb) आपदा न्यूनीकरण एवं प्रबंधन केंद्र सचिवालय परिसर देहरादून में अर्धदिवसीय कार्यशाला में प्रतिभाग करने हेतु नामित अधिकारी (203.5 Kb) Nomination for "Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (Ministry of Road Transport & highway) (436.6 Kb) Nomination for 02 Days Training Program on "Landslide Mitigation and Detailed Project Report (DPR) Preparation" (205.0 Kb) कार्मिकों की Capacity Building हेतु Executive MBA Course के सम्बन्ध में One Day Workshop "National Seminar on best practices under RIDF" (204.3 Kb) 5 days Training Program on "Road Safety (Level 1)" at Red Fox Hotel, 4, 973, 113, Rajpur Road Dehradun (808.2 Kb) 23rd Annual Convention & Seminar Regarding "Executive Training Program for Building Professionals on External Cladding Systems" On Dated 26-02-2019 to 27-02-2019 At IBC HQ, Sector VI, R.K. Puram, New Delhi (857.2 Kb) Seminar Regarding "Rejuvenator for Asphalt pavement, Micro Surfacing seal , surface dressing emulsion, cold Mix,, pot hole repair compound, Emulsion and Half warm mix for roads" On Dated 27-02-2019 At 12:00 to 2:30 HOD office Conference Hall Seminar Regarding "Renwable Energy and Efficiency Measures in Built Habitat" On Dated 8-03-2019 At Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi. (1.1 Mb) उत्तराखंड सेवा का अधिकार आयोग द्वारा दिनांक 02 मार्च 2019 को रघुनंदन सिंह टोलिया उत्तराखंड प्रशासनिक अकादमी नैनीताल में "सुशासन नागरिक अधिकार पत्र एवं सेवा का अधिकार अधिनियम " विषयक राज्य स्तरीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग उत्तराखंड से नामित अधिकारी (246.0 Kb) Nominations request for training programmes on Road Safety and Road Safety Audit. (675.9 Kb) "भूकम्प सुरक्षा में भवन निर्माण उप-विधियों (Building Bye- Laws)" विषयक केन्द्रीय भवन अनुसंधान संस्थान, रूडकी में दिनांक 25-29 मार्च 2019 तक 05 दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम हेतु लोक निर्माण विभाग के निम्न अधिकारियों को नामित करने हेतु (349.5 Kb) Presentation Regarding "Manufacturing of CFRP & GFRP composites for different verticals of Civil Rehabilitation and Structure Redesigning" on Dated 20-02-2019 At 11:30 to 12:30 HOD office Conference Hall (734.3 Kb) सहायक अभियन्ताओ के आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में Level-2 Road Safety प्रशिक्षण के लिये आवेदन के सम्बन्ध में कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ को प्रशिक्षण दिलाये जाने के सम्बन्ध में (1.1 Mb) 131 वा आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण पाठ्यक्रम लोक निर्माण विभाग एवं सिंचाई विभाग (यांत्रिकी) में प्रशिक्षण के उपरान्त परीक्षा में प्रथम 5 सहायक अभियंताओ का कार्य उत्साहवर्धक एवं प्रशंसनीय रहा (375.0 Kb) Presentation Regarding "PVC door window panelling etc." by Kumar Arch Tech Private Limited" on Dated 11-02-2019 At 11:30 to 12:30 HOD office Conference Hall (716.0 Kb) CSIR-CRRI Training Programmes 2019-20 (1.02 Mb) लोक निर्माण विभाग, उत्तराखण्ड के नवनियुक्त सहायक अभियंताओ हेतु आधारभूत प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किये जाने के सम्बन्धी (628.4 Kb) e-Governance विषयक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में नामांकन के सम्बन्ध में (246.5 Kb) Perfab Concept के सम्बन्ध में Presentation and Solution हेतु कार्यक्रम के सम्बन्ध में (766.1 Kb) 5 days Training Program on "Road Safety (Level 1)" (1.1 Mb) "Advancing Transportation Infrastructure : Road and Highways" (219.5 Kb) Training of Master Trainers on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Finance. (280.4 Kb) "Road Safety Audit and other Road Safety related aspects" विषय पर दिनांक 10-24 दिसम्बर 2018 तक CRRI, New Delhi में 15 दिवसीय Certificate Course में प्रतिभाग करने के सम्बन्ध में (2.8 Mb) Indian Buildings Congress द्वारा दिनांक 28-30 दिसम्बर 2018 तक पटना में "Rapid Building Construction- Emerging Technologies" विषय पर 23rd Annual Convention & Seminar (295.2 Kb) Presentation On "Minimum Metal & Plywood Pvt. Limited. Dated 03-12-2018 (752.6 Kb) इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ इंजिनियरस (इंडिया) स्टेट सेंटर में आयोजित तीन दिवसीय एम०एस०एक्सेल -2016 विषय पर प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (340.2 Kb) कनिष्ठ अभियन्ताओ के एक माह के प्रशिक्षण के सम्बन्ध में (1.8 Mb) Excel 2016 Four Days Training Programme at IEI UKSC Dehradun from 22-23 October , 25-26 October 2018 (559.8 Kb) One Day Seminar on "Landslide Analysis and Mitigation : LAM - 2018" (278.3 Kb) दिनांक 29-09-2018 से ? NewsStop Button 21-11-2020 शासनादेश संख्या 383/111(1)/19-190(PWD)/01 टी०सी०-11 दिनांक 05/02/2020 में प्राविधानित प्रयोगशालाओ का रिसर्च सेल , लोक निर्माण विभाग देहरादून में कार्यरत सहायक अभियन्ताओ के मध्य कार्यभार वितरण 18-11-2020 Application Form for Approval of Bituminous Products Suppliers Employee Corner Training Calendar Seniority List Salary Details Opens in a new window Employee Locator Opens in a new window Accountant General Uttarakhand Opens in a new window Disclosure of Property Transfers & Promotions Photo Gallery Gallery view photo gallery »

Courses matching "Accountant"

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Accounting for Grants and Projects


By GBA Corporate

Overview Understanding the grants coming in and their monitoring, spending and many other factors are directly proportionate to effecting Grant Accounting and Grant Management. Many different funding entities give grants to so many companies, the government sector, and private sectors with the aim to encourage growth and employment and economic viability. It is important to recognise the government grants in the profit and loss account, so at the end, it can match the costs to which they relate. Considering these grants efficiently in the accounts is very important, as many entities (including the grant-making body) may closely monitor the accounts; and any errors will reflect badly on the accountant. Many development projects are funded through grants from donors. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the project management team to safeguard that the limited resources are used efficiently to achieve maximum impact.  This course is planned to train the participants with best practices and essential skills in effective grants management.

Accounting for Grants and Projects
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£1,718 to £3,626

Finance for the non-accountant (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

No-one in business will succeed if they are not financially literate - and no business will succeed without financially-literate people. This is the ideal programme for managers and others who don't have a financial qualification or background but who nonetheless need a greater understanding of the financial management disciplines essential to your organisation. This course will give the participants a sound understanding of financial reports, measures and techniques to make them even more effective in their roles. It will enable participants to: Overcome the barrier of the accountants' strange language Deal confidently with financial colleagues Improve their understanding of your organisation's finance function Radically improve their planning and budgeting skills Be much more aware of the impact of their decisions on the profitability of your organisation Enhance their role in the organisation Boost their confidence and career development 1 Review of the principal financial statements What each statement containsOutlineDetail Not just what the statements contain but what they mean Balance sheets and P&L accounts (income statements) Cash flow statements Detailed terminology and interpretation Types of fixed asset - tangible, etc. Working capital, equity, gearing 2 The 'rules' - Accounting Standards, concepts and conventions Fundamental or 'bedrock' accounting concepts Detailed accounting concepts and conventions What depreciation means The importance of stock, inventory and work in progress values Accounting policies that most affect reporting and results The importance of accounting standards and IFRS 3 Where the figures come from Accounting records Assets / liabilities, Income / expenditure General / nominal ledgers Need for internal controls 'Sarbox' and related issues 4 Managing the budget process Have clear objectives, remit, responsibilities and time schedule The business plan Links with corporate strategy The budget cycle Links with company culture Budgeting methods'New' budgetingZero-based budgets Reviewing budgets Responding to the figures The need for appropriate accounting and reporting systems 5 What are costs? How to account for them Cost definitions Full / absorption costing Overheads - overhead allocation or absorption Activity based costing Marginal costing / break-even - use in planning 6 Who does what? A review of what different types of accountant do Financial accounting Management accounting Treasury function Activities and terms 7 How the statements can be interpreted What published accounts contain Analytical review (ratio analysis) Return on capital employed, margins and profitability Making assets work - asset turnover Fixed assets, debtor, stock turnover Responding to figures EBIT, EBITEDIA, eps and other analysts' measure 8 Other key issues Creative accounting Accounting for groups Intangible assets - brand names Company valuations Fixed assets / leased assets / off-balance sheet finance

Finance for the non-accountant (In-House)
Delivered in Harpenden or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates
Price on Enquiry

Auditing in the Exploration & Production (E&P) Industry Level 2

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This 5-day intensive training course is designed to improve the skills of those involved in the financial and contractual auditing of upstream Oil & Gas Exploration and Production activities. The objective of this course is to enhance your understanding of the various audit principles and practices being applied in this industry today and to equip you with the knowledge and tools to deal with complex audit cases. The course concentrates on aspects of auditing unique to the E&P business. Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will be able to: Apply a structured methodology for conducting oil industry internal, production sharing and joint venture audits Implement the benefits of a multi-discipline team audit approach Adopt a model of best practice for conducting audits Analyse, interpret and decide complex cases using the contracts and documents, the principles and auditor's judgement Target Audience This training course is suitable and will greatly benefit the following specific groups: Personnel with an Internal audit background who are totally new to the discipline of Joint Venture (JV) or Production Sharing Contract (PSC) audit Experienced audit practitioners who wish to update their auditing techniques Personnel from Finance or any discipline who intend to take part in internal or joint venture audits Personnel with a background in statutory audit in the accountancy profession who require an insight into the internal and joint venture audit areas Course Level Intermediate Training Methods The training instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught in their own organization. Course Duration: 5 days in total (35 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 25. Trainer Your expert course leader has more than 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry, covering all areas of Finance and Audit, including involvement in Commercial roles. During her 19 years with ENI she worked in Italy, Netherlands, Egypt and UK and was CFO for 2 major ENI subsidiaries. She has delivered training courses in Accounting, Audit, Economics and Commercial topics in many Countries. She has a Degree in Economics & Accounting and is a Certified Chartered Accountant. She is also a Chartered Auditor and an International Petroleum Negotiator. Outside of work, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and art, helping disadvantaged people, sports (football, golf) and her cat. Courses Delivered Internationally: E&P Accounting, Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Cost Control & Budgeting Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry Petroleum Project Economics Contracts Strategy International O&G Exploitation Contracts POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Auditing in the Exploration & Production (E&P) Industry Level 2
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,173 to £3,690

Exploration & Production (E&P) Accounting Level 2

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course The aim of this exclusive 5-days training course is to raise an intermediate level to your knowledge and understanding of international E&P finance and accounting. This is achieved by in-depth examination of international practices and current developments across a broad range of relevant topics. You are encouraged to challenge existing methods as a basis for reviewing procedures and introducing improvements in your own work place. Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will be able to: Enhance your comprehension of accounting and reporting issues unique to the E&P industry with emphasis on the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Improve your understanding of the accounting and reporting of Sales Revenue, Farm In/Farm Out, and Carried Interest Enhance your knowledge of Production Sharing Contracts and Joint Venture Accounting issues including Unitisation & Redetermination Advance your knowledge of the Corporate Budget and Planning process including a review of Key Performance Indicators and Company Strategy Raise your awareness of the E&P business activity for which we are accounting and reporting Target Audience We recommend that, to derive maximum benefit from this course, you should first attend our predecessor Level 1 course. Otherwise, this course is suitable for personnel with a good foundation knowledge in exploration and production accounting. Course Level Intermediate Training Methods The training instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught in their own organization. Course Duration: 5 days in total (35 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 25. This course is also available through our Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Trainer Your expert course leader has more than 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry, covering all areas of Finance and Audit, including involvement in Commercial roles. During her 19 years with ENI she worked in Italy, Netherlands, Egypt and UK and was CFO for 2 major ENI subsidiaries. She has delivered training courses in Accounting, Audit, Economics and Commercial topics in many Countries. She has a Degree in Economics & Accounting and is a Certified Chartered Accountant. She is also a Chartered Auditor and an International Petroleum Negotiator. Outside of work, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and art, helping disadvantaged people, sports (football, golf) and her cat. Courses Delivered Internationally: E&P Accounting, Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Cost Control & Budgeting Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry Petroleum Project Economics Contracts Strategy International O&G Exploitation Contracts POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Exploration & Production (E&P) Accounting Level 2
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,173 to £3,690

Exploration & Production (E&P) Accounting Level 3

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This highly interactive 5-day training is aimed at those who wish to take their E&P accounting skills to a more advanced level than our introductory course, E&P Accounting - Level 1, and our intermediate course, E&P Accounting - Level 2. It will help equip you for more demanding analytical roles within your organisation. Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will be able to: Carry out and manage the day-to-day financial accounting activities associated with participation in E&P joint ventures Prepare, analyse and present information for effective financial reporting Understand the impact of a comprehensive range of activities on the financial statements of an upstream oil and gas company Practically apply IFRS in accounting for a wide range of typical oil and gas industry activities Target Audience This is an advanced level course designed for: those who have already attended E&P Accounting - Level 1 and E&P Accounting - Level 2, or those who can demonstrate, by a combination of relevant experience and previous study, sufficient prior knowledge to contribute and benefit from attending this workshop Course Level Advanced Training Methods Training Method - Scenario Based Learning Learning centers around highly realistic E&P company scenarios. A computer-based simulation is used to plan, record and report the progress of your company through several years of international E&P activities. Teams of 2 - 3 people participate in the financial management of these activities, including Operator and Non-operator accounting, recording of transactions, updating of financial statements and analysis of results. The highly interactive laptop-based scenario approach will enable you to follow the impact of each activity from initiation through to final results and analysis of company performance. You will need to bring with you to the course your own laptop PC with MS Excel™ pre-installed. Prior knowledge of spreadsheet techniques is assumed. Trainer will provide various Excel files which participants may retain at the end of the course. Course Duration: 5 days in total (35 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 25. Trainer Your expert course leader has more than 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry, covering all areas of Finance and Audit, including involvement in Commercial roles. During her 19 years with ENI she worked in Italy, Netherlands, Egypt and UK and was CFO for 2 major ENI subsidiaries. She has delivered training courses in Accounting, Audit, Economics and Commercial topics in many Countries. She has a Degree in Economics & Accounting and is a Certified Chartered Accountant. She is also a Chartered Auditor and an International Petroleum Negotiator. Outside of work, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and art, helping disadvantaged people, sports (football, golf) and her cat. Courses Delivered Internationally: E&P Accounting, Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Cost Control & Budgeting Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry Petroleum Project Economics Contracts Strategy International O&G Exploitation Contracts POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Exploration & Production (E&P) Accounting Level 3
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£3,173 to £3,690

Exploration & Production (E&P) Cost Control, Budgeting & Cost Estimation

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This 3-day training will provide a comprehensive understanding on the nature of costs and cost drivers in the E&P industry providing in-depth understanding on the budgeting process, proactive management, effective control and optimization of costs together with focused and relevant performance reporting. Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will learn: Understand the nature of costs and cost drivers in the E&P industry through the Field Life Cycle Purpose of the Budget. Planning and Budgeting models. The Strategic and Medium-term plan Using budgets to make effective decisions. Prepare and understand costs in planning, budgeting & forecasting processes e.g. fixed / variable, capex / opex and routine / non-routine. Cost Accounting. Importance of timely cost capture and accurate recording e.g. VOWD / accruals, consistency of coding and clarity on accountability Strategic solutions in delivering cost optimization - 'do more for less' Management of costs in PSC and JV environments. Avoiding cost leakage and ensuring audit preparedness Cost Control Framework - budgets, AFEs, progress reports and variance analysis. Understanding key components and ensuring seamless interaction Cost Performance Reporting - use of KPI's, variance analysis and trend analysis. Tracking and monitoring cost optimization initiatives and targets Target Audience This training course is suitable and will greatly benefit the following specific groups: Finance staff with accounting and financial management responsibilities Those responsible for devising budgets, managing and controlling budgets Professionals engaged in planning, budgeting and management reporting Finance & Audit staff engaged on cost and financial controls Business unit managers and personnel whose responsibilities include cost management, controlling budgets and performance reporting Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods The training instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught in their own organization. Course Duration: 3 days in total (21 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 25. This course is also available through our Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Trainer Your expert course leader has more than 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry, covering all areas of Finance and Audit, including involvement in Commercial roles. During her 19 years with ENI she worked in Italy, Netherlands, Egypt and UK and was CFO for 2 major ENI subsidiaries. She has delivered training courses in Accounting, Audit, Economics and Commercial topics in many Countries. She has a Degree in Economics & Accounting and is a Certified Chartered Accountant. She is also a Chartered Auditor and an International Petroleum Negotiator. Outside of work, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and art, helping disadvantaged people, sports (football, golf) and her cat. Courses Delivered Internationally: E&P Accounting, Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Cost Control & Budgeting Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry Petroleum Project Economics Contracts Strategy International O&G Exploitation Contracts POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Exploration & Production (E&P) Cost Control, Budgeting & Cost Estimation
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,339 to £2,720

Exploration & Production (E&P) Accounting Level 1

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This 3-day introductory-level course provides a comprehensive overview of international accounting and finance practices in the E&P industry. It is particularly suitable for finance personnel who are new to the oil and gas industry, or want to gain a broader understanding of oil and gas financial policy, joint venture and cost-control topic areas. Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will be able to: Comprehend an overview of accounting policies and practices in the oil and gas industry Manage project development and operating costs Understand the accounting and financial management implications of exploring for and producing oil and gas Review the background to financial issues like joint ventures that are unique to the E&P industry, and their accounting treatment Target Audience This training course is suitable and will greatly benefit the following specific groups: Finance staff new to the industry who require a grounding in the various specialist discipline areas that typically comprise an oil and gas company finance function Finance personnel who are being developed for broader accounting and financial management responsibilities Audit and information systems staff who have frequent dealings with financial controls and systems Treasury and tax specialists who require a better understanding of E&P finance and accounting Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods The training instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught in their own organization. Course Duration: 3 days in total (21 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 25. This course is also available through our Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Trainer Your expert course leader has more than 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry, covering all areas of Finance and Audit, including involvement in Commercial roles. During her 19 years with ENI she worked in Italy, Netherlands, Egypt and UK and was CFO for 2 major ENI subsidiaries. She has delivered training courses in Accounting, Audit, Economics and Commercial topics in many Countries. She has a Degree in Economics & Accounting and is a Certified Chartered Accountant. She is also a Chartered Auditor and an International Petroleum Negotiator. Outside of work, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and art, helping disadvantaged people, sports (football, golf) and her cat. Courses Delivered Internationally: E&P Accounting, Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Cost Control & Budgeting Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry Petroleum Project Economics Contracts Strategy International O&G Exploitation Contracts POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Exploration & Production (E&P) Accounting Level 1
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,339 to £2,720

Auditing in the Exploration & Production (E&P) Industry Level 1

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

About this training course This 3-day introductory-level course provides a comprehensive overview of Auditing in the Exploration & Production (E&P) industry. It is suitable for anyone who wants to gain a broader understanding of Upstream Oil & Gas Auditing - including joint venture, financial and contractual audits by government and regulatory authorities in the various granting regimes (Production Sharing Contracts, Risk Service Contracts, Concessionary). Training Objectives After the completion of this training course, participants will be able to: Gain knowledge of the unique features or key phases of the E&P Business Understand the general principles and objectives of the various different types of Upstream Oil & Gas audits Add value to your organisation by improving your audit techniques and auditing skills Review the importance of following process in order to avoid costly audit related findings. Utilize industry specific examples and exercises, develop your understanding of the most common E&P industry audit issues Target Audience This training course is suitable and will greatly benefit the following specific groups: Audit staff who are new or relatively new to the industry and who require a grounding in the various aspects of E&P Audit Finance or Accounting personnel involved in supporting audits Staff from a wide range of other business functions who are connected to / impacted by audit, such as, Supply Chain, Operations, Contracts Holders, IT, Tax and Treasury Topics will be covered from both the perspective of being part of an audit team plus that of the team being audited. Therefore, the course will appeal to staff from IOC's, NOC's and those from Government and/or Regulatory Authorities. Course Level Basic or Foundation Training Methods The training instructor relies on a highly interactive training method to enhance the learning process. This method ensures that all participants gain a complete understanding of all the topics covered. The training environment is highly stimulating, challenging, and effective because the participants will learn by case studies which will allow them to apply the material taught in their own organization. Course Duration: 3 days in total (21 hours). Training Schedule 0830 - Registration 0900 - Start of training 1030 - Morning Break 1045 - Training recommences 1230 - Lunch Break 1330 - Training recommences 1515 - Evening break 1530 - Training recommences 1700 - End of Training The maximum number of participants allowed for this training course is 25. This course is also available through our Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Trainer Your expert course leader has more than 30 years of experience in the international oil and gas industry, covering all areas of Finance and Audit, including involvement in Commercial roles. During her 19 years with ENI she worked in Italy, Netherlands, Egypt and UK and was CFO for 2 major ENI subsidiaries. She has delivered training courses in Accounting, Audit, Economics and Commercial topics in many Countries. She has a Degree in Economics & Accounting and is a Certified Chartered Accountant. She is also a Chartered Auditor and an International Petroleum Negotiator. Outside of work, she is inspired by the beauty of nature and art, helping disadvantaged people, sports (football, golf) and her cat. Courses Delivered Internationally: E&P Accounting, Auditing in the Oil & Gas Industry Cost Control & Budgeting Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry Petroleum Project Economics Contracts Strategy International O&G Exploitation Contracts POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Auditing in the Exploration & Production (E&P) Industry Level 1
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,339 to £2,720

IFRS Accounting for the Oil and Gas Sector

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Gain expertise in IFRS accounting for the oil and gas sector with our industry-focused training course. Enroll today with EnergyEdge.

IFRS Accounting for the Oil and Gas Sector
Delivered in Internationally or OnlineFlexible Dates
£2,299 to £2,399

Microsoft Excel Advanced - In-company

By Microsoft Office Training

Course Objectives At the end of this course you will be able to: Work with advanced lookup and reference functions Create macros to automate common tasks Use advanced techniques to analyse data Create PivotTables and PivotCharts Work with data validation tools Import and export data ' Customer Feedback Best Training Ever! Just finished a bespoke 1-1 training course in Excel Advanced, Macros & VBA. Pedro is an excellent trainer, imparting his skills and knowledge in the best way - appropriately to audience skills, knowledge and ability. Pedro is always approachable, encouraging and supportive, giving delegates the optimum learning environment. I would not hesitate to recommend Pedro as a trainer, whatever your level of ability. Amanda Morris - Treasury & Systems Accountant at Reall - Real Equity for All The course was very interesting and engaging and will definitely be put to use. The trainer was very helpful and charismatic. Marving Lopez - AM Best Europe Pedro was excellent. Very knowledgeable, clear and great rapport with class. Darren Barkey - Direct Wines Great content and learnt a lot. Really enjoyable :) Kristie-Lee Ryan - Stirling Ackroyd 1 year email support service Take a closer look at the consistent excellent feedback from our growing corporate clients visiting our site ms-officetraining co uk With more than 20 years experience, we deliver courses on all levels of the Desktop version of Microsoft Office and Office 365; ranging from Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced to the VBA level. Our trainers are Microsoft certified professionals with a proven track record with several years experience in delivering public, one to one, tailored and bespoke courses. Our competitive rates start from £550.00 per day of training Tailored training courses: You can choose to run the course exactly as they are outlined by us or we can customise it so that it meets your specific needs. A tailored or bespoke course will follow the standard outline but may be adapted to your specific organisational needs. Please visit our site (ms-officetraining co uk) to get a feel of the excellent feedback our courses have had and look at other courses you might be interested in. Advanced Functions COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, COUNTBLANK, SUMIF, SUBTOTAL IF, OR, AND, IFERROR VLOOKUP to lookup Exact Values and Approximate values MATCH, INDIRECT, ROW/COLUMN, INDEX, OFFSET Analysing Data PMT function to calculate a monthly payment of a loan What If Analysis using Goal Seek Use scenarios to consider many different variables Using Solver Add-in to optimize variables PivotTables Create a PivotTable to analyse worksheet data Add or remove fields in a PivotTable Change the data source for a PivotTable Working with external data sources Using different Statistical Functions Calculate a Running Total, % of Grant Total, Difference From… Using the Slicer and Timeline to filter the PivotTable Using Filters in a PivotTable Group by Date, Auto Group by ranges of values, Custom Group Create a PivotChart The GETPIVOTDATA function Formula auditing Precedents and dependents Error checking Watch a formula and its result by using the Watch Window Evaluate a nested formula one step at a time Data Validation Number Validation Data List Validation Message Prompts and Alerts Conditional Data Validation Data Validation Errors Consolidation Consolidate data by position Consolidate data by category Use a formula to consolidate data Outline (group) data in a worksheet Create an outline of rows Create an outline of columns Copy outlined data Hide or remove an outline Connect external data to your workbook Using the Power Query Editor to import data From Text and CSV, From Access, From Web, From another Workbook Using the Power Query Editor to; Transform your data by Selecting which fields to import, by Splitting Columns, Changing Data Type and more. Deleting Applied Steps Refreshing your data Working with Form Controls; Buttons, Option Buttons and Scroll Bars Introduction to Macros Change Macro Security settings How to Record a macro Some Macro Examples Delete a macro Edit the macro to view the VBA code Copy part of a macro to create another macro Assign a macro to a button Who is this course for? Who is this course for? This course is intended to end users who want to develop their skills so they can use advanced techniques to analyse extensive and complex datasets in Excel and to automate simple tasks with the use of Macros. Requirements Requirements Preferably, delegates should have attended the Excel Intermediate course. Career path Career path Excel know-how can instantly increase your job prospects as well as your salary. 80 percent of job openings require spreadsheet and word-processing software skills Certificates Certificates Certificate of completion Digital certificate - Included

Microsoft Excel Advanced - In-company
Delivered in London or UK Wide or OnlineFlexible Dates