The course helps you learn how to program with Python without any prior experience. The course also emphasizes learning the Django framework. You'll work on 4 major projects that will ensure that you have acquired and implemented your newly added skills to make Python-based websites with Django.
Use deep learning, Computer Vision, and machine learning techniques to build an autonomous car with Python
In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about working with Git and GitHub. By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence you need in order to apply for a job, work in a team, or work on open-source projects.
This course will take you through the basics as well as advanced concepts in TestNG and automation framework building. The course focuses on important concepts such as TestNG, Java, Maven, Selenium WebDriver, page object model, and page factory design. You need to know the basics of core Java and Selenium to get started.
From installation and project creation to writing tests with JUnit, Mockito, and Hamcrest, this course will cover all the important concepts that you need to get up and running with unit testing.
This course is your guide to deep learning in Python with Keras. You will discover the Keras Python library for deep learning and learn how to use it to develop and evaluate deep learning models.
Not sure where to start your DevOps journey? Or want to know what kind of activities a DevOps engineer would do on Git and GitHub in the real world? Or would you like to set up a production-ready Git environment for your developers? Then this course is for you.
Learn to effectively integrate and build RESTful API clients into Java and Spring Boot applications using WireMock.
Get started with creating JavaFX applications using TornadoFX - A lightweight JavaFX framework for Kotlin
Code along with the course to create responsive, mobile-first websites that look stunning using CSS. Test the skills you've learned in the course by attempting the projects at the end of every section.