Open up a world of new possibilities with Reiki Practitioner Level II (Okuden). At this level you will be attunement to the 3 symbols using the Usui/Holy Fire ceremony tradition, with Reiki Master and teacher, Alison.
The course includes a practitioner level II certificate and is ideal for anyone who has already taken their level I practitioner qualification and wishes to enrich their practice with these 3 powerful symbols. At this level you will also be able to set up practice, should you wish to.
The main learning is done online through videos, demos, and reading material. The biggest advantage of this method is that you will be able to study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home, library or work place. You can revisit sections as often as you like, you'll have a downloadable reference guide and you'll benefit from on-going updates to the course materials. Even better, you won't be alone on your journey as you'll become a member of our community, connected to your Reiki Master and like minded people so that you can share your journey or just learn from others.
The ceremony cost is included in the course fees and will be done as a distance ceremony. These are held on a New Moon and a Full Moon each month, performing these ceremonies in this way is possible when undertaken by a Holy Fire Reiki Master. Full details of booking, preparation and what happens during and after the ceremony, are covered in the course.
Find out more about Alison and the British Reiki Circle HERE
Course Content
13 sections•58 lessons
Module 1: Introduction3 lessons
1Becoming a Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Practitioner at Level II (Okuden)
2My Reiki journey, by Alison
3Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki
Module 2: Refresher Topics14 lessons
1About this chapter
2The true history of Reiki
3Traditional Reiki symbol and meaning
4How Reiki heals
5Self Healing introduction
6Guided Mindfulness Meditation
7Self healing - complete breath
8Self healing - EFT
9The human energy system
10Reiki Energy
11Three Heavens
12The Authentic Self
13Culturally-Created Self
14Dormant Unhealed Energy
Your Ceremony2 lessons
2About your ceremony & preparation
Downloadable Guide1 lessons
1Reiki Practitioner Level II Guide - Edition 10
Assignment 11 lessons
1Attunement ceremony experience
Module 3: The Power of the 3 Symbols5 lessons
2ChoKu Rei - the Power symbol
3Sei HeKi - the heart & mind symbol
4Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - the distance symbol
5Strengthening your resonance with the 3 symbols
Module 4: Developing your Reiki6 lessons
1About this chapter
2A Reiki lifestyle
3Enhancing your Reiki
4Levels of Reiki
5Using Reiki creatively
6Universal guidance
Module 5: Your energy rituals3 lessons
1Kenyoku - 'dry bathing'
2Self protection, balance & ground
3Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho
Module 6: Client treatments14 lessons
1Hygiene and sanitisation
2Holistic room preparation
3The pillars of Reiki
4Guided Gassho & Reiki Ideals meditation
5The chakra system
6Introduction: Core chakra treatment
7Demonstration: : Core chakra treatment
8human anatomy for client treatments
9Introduction: Traditional hand placement treatment
10Demonstration Traditional hand placement treatment
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