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After Effects Basics and Fundamentals Course

After Effects Basics and Fundamentals Course

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After Effects Basics and Fundamentals Course
Learn After Effects fundamentals course. Master essential techniques for stunning visual effects and animations. Enroll now!. In this course, You'll gain knowledge in animation, visual effects, and motion graphics. Learn to animate objects and more. Learn basics of motion graphics and animation using After Effects.

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Duration: 10 hours

Approach: 1-on-1 personalized training with tailored content.

Availability: Monday to Saturday, between 9 am and 5 pm.

Duration: 10 Hours

Session 1: Introduction to After Effects (1 hour)

  • Overview of After Effects interface and tools
  • Understanding compositions, layers, and timelines
  • Importing and organizing assets
  • Basic animation principles: keyframes, motion paths, and easing

Session 2: Working with Layers and Effects (1 hour)

  • Layer properties: opacity, position, scale, rotation, and anchor points
  • Applying effects and presets for visual enhancements
  • Introduction to masks and blending modes
  • Understanding adjustment layers for global effects

Session 3: Animation Techniques (2 hours)

  • Advanced keyframing: graph editor, speed graphs, and expressions
  • Puppet tool for character animation and shape deformation
  • Working with text layers: animation, tracking, and text presets
  • Parenting and creating nested compositions for complex animations

Session 4: Special Effects and Visual Enhancements (2 hours)

  • Particle systems and simulation effects
  • Creating realistic motion blur and 3D effects
  • Introduction to color grading and advanced effects
  • Utilizing plugins for additional effects and creative possibilities

Session 5: Motion Graphics and Templates (2 hours)

  • Introduction to motion graphics principles
  • Using shape layers and shape animations
  • Creating lower thirds, titles, and infographics
  • Working with pre-made templates and customizing them

Session 6: Project-Based Learning and Advanced Tips (2 hours)

  • Guided hands-on project incorporating learned techniques
  • Advanced tips and tricks for efficient workflows
  • Q&A session to address participant queries and challenges

Upon completing this course, participants will have a strong foundation in Adobe After Effects, enabling them to create compelling animations, visual effects, and motion graphics for various applications.

Upon completion of the Adobe After Effects Fundamentals course, participants will:

  • Master Essential Tools: Gain a comprehensive understanding of After Effects interface, tools, and basic animation principles.

  • Layer Management: Learn to work with layers, apply effects, masks, and blending modes for visual enhancements.

  • Advanced Animation Techniques: Explore advanced keyframing, puppet tool, text animations, and parent-child relationships for complex animations.

  • Special Effects Mastery: Acquire skills in particle systems, motion blur, 3D effects, color grading, and utilizing plugins for creative enhancements.

  • Motion Graphics Proficiency: Create dynamic motion graphics using shape layers, animations, lower thirds, titles, and infographics.

  • Project-Based Experience: Apply acquired skills in guided hands-on projects, enhancing practical expertise and creativity.

Job Opportunities:

  • Motion Graphics Designer: Design engaging motion graphics for videos, commercials, and digital platforms.

  • Visual Effects Artist: Create stunning visual effects for films, TV shows, and advertisements.

  • Video Editor: Edit and enhance videos using After Effects for various industries including entertainment and marketing.

  • Animation Specialist: Develop animations for web, mobile apps, and multimedia presentations.

  • UI/UX Animator: Design interactive user interfaces with animated elements for websites and applications.

  • Social Media Content Creator: Produce eye-catching animated content for social media platforms.

  • Freelance Animator/Designer: Offer freelance services to clients seeking customized animations and visual effects.

  • E-learning Content Developer: Create animated educational content for online courses and e-learning platforms.

  • Advertising Creative: Contribute to creative advertising campaigns by integrating dynamic animations and visual effects.

  • Film and Television Production: Contribute to film and TV productions by creating captivating visual effects sequences and animations.

Session Highlights:

  • Advanced Animation Techniques: Master intricate animation methods, including character animation, 3D motion, and advanced visual effects.
  • Storyboarding and Conceptualization: Develop compelling storyboards and refine your creative concepts for animation projects.
  • Industry-Standard Software Proficiency: Gain expertise in software like Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, and Maya for professional-grade animation.
  • Collaborative Project Work: Engage in team-based animation projects, simulating real-world production environments.
  • Portfolio Development: Receive personalized feedback on your work and build a professional animation portfolio.
  • Career Guidance: Benefit from career-oriented workshops, resume building, and industry networking opportunities.

After Effects Free Download & Free Trial

Explore the following advantages:

Interactive Online Training: Engage in our live online sessions from anywhere globally. Connect with the instructor and peers, ask questions, and receive instant feedback.

Face-to-Face Learning Option: Opt for in-person training sessions if you prefer hands-on interaction. Collaborate with the instructor and fellow learners for a personalized learning experience.

Session Recordings: Never miss out! Access recordings of every session, enabling you to review the material at your convenience and solidify your understanding.

Lifetime Email Assistance: Enjoy continuous support from our dedicated team. Reach out with any questions or challenges, even after completing the course, for ongoing guidance.

Certified Educators and Industry Professionals: Learn from seasoned experts in motion graphics and animation. Benefit from their wealth of experience and practical insights, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

About The Provider

