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+ VAT£300
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For business owners and leaders.
We must reconnect business to the planet and the humans and other species that live on it.
Business owners and future leaders must believe they are responsible for the impact their business has on this world.
Learn how to own your ESG&F responsibilities and ensure they are the backbone of your business strategy.
Learn how to create people and planet strategies that identify the product and service lifecycles that exist within your business, and promote them widely, getting full engagement and adoption.
Learn how to create financial measurement tools that balance investment decisions, generating fairer, more sustainable, models.
Make sure your business has a sustaianble future.
The course is designed for a min of 2 and max of 10 people to allow them to be interactive and targeted at your needs.
Nina will contact you to discuss your personal requirements prior to the course. You can book a free 30 minute session via her website