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Universal Credit is a means tested benefit that was first launched in 2013, and it replaces six of the older style benefits; child tax credits, working tax credits, income support, income-based Jobseekers Allowance and income-based Employment and Support Allowance.
In this free webinar welfare benefits specialist Nicola Spruce will explain more about what Universal Credit is and how the government’s ‘Move to UC’ strategy might affect you or somebody you are supporting.
Join this free 1 hour presentation to find out more about the key aspects of Universal Credit and how you can prepare for being asked to move onto Universal Credit. There will be a live Q&A at the end of the presentation.
Nicola will explain:
What Universal Credit is
The Universal Credit claim process
How Universal Credit awards are calculated
What help is available for disabled people via Universal Credit
How Universal Credit compares to older style Welfare Benefits
More details about the government’s strategy for moving people onto Universal Credit
Please note, this webinar is for specifically for parents and carers of a disabled or vulnerable person. This webinar will not be recorded.
If you have a question regarding the presentation, please contact Faye Tucker (Renaissance Legal) on 01273 610611.
These sessions are not recorded by Renaissance Legal, but they are hosted multiple times throughout the year. If you cannot make this scheduled event, please join the wait list and you will be added to the next event.