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Having an up to date Will in place goes some way to provide for your disabled child, however in some cases it has the potential to create further problems. If you or a family member are considering leaving money directly to a disabled person, you are likely to impact their entitlement to means tested benefits and social support and may also leave them at risk of financial abuse. As an alternative to this, you may ask a sibling or close family member to ‘look after’ an inheritance on their behalf, but this also carries significant risk if that person is later faced with divorce or bankruptcy.
Leading expert Stuart Price will talk about the options available to protect a disabled person using specialist Wills and Trusts. Philip will explain how to safeguard means tested benefits and how to provide financial security for your disabled loved one, as well as the rest of your family. Philip will talk through the different Trust options available, the importance of a Letter of Wishes and choosing the right Trustees.
Stuart will explain:
Why it is important to make a Will
How you can protect a disabled person using Wills and Trusts
The choice of Executors and Trustees
The use of Letters of Wishes
Making Gifts in a Will
Why use a Trust
When should you set up a Trust
How to protect means tested benefits
Your Trust Options
Discretionary Trusts
Disabled Person’s Trust
These sessions are not recorded by Renaissance Legal, but they are hosted multiple times throughout the year. If you cannot make this scheduled event, please join the wait list and you will be added to the next event.