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Personalised Care: From Rhetoric to Reality through Lived Experience

Personalised Care: From Rhetoric to Reality through Lived Experience


  • Delivered Online

  • Intermediate level


Personalised care is set to be business as usual for the NHS by 2024 according to the NHS long-term plan. It is all about keeping people, their individual needs and lives at the heart of care. But what does this look like in practice?

This inspiring, engaging and interactive advanced training is founded on lived experience and aimed at bridging the gap between the rhetoric of personalised care and the reality of clinical practice and service delivery. It is about putting skin and flesh on the bones of personalised care. Helping practitioners, managers, leaders and commissioners to integrate personalised care into practice, systems and service delivery. Through understanding the context of families and individuals, the reality within services and the theory of personalised care, this advanced course helps delegates turn theory into practice.

This advanced Born at the Right Time training is delivered as 3 x 2.5 hours sessions. (In order to receive CPD certification you must be present at all three sessions.) When time and resources are limited, personalised care is about making the most of our interactions, time, energy and resources by focusing on the getting it right the first time round.

Following the initial training, support is given through quarterly drop-in sessions to support delegates implementing ongoing change.


  • Explore the impact of lived experience and principles of personalised care

  • Create a shared language of Personalised Care and apply theory to local experiences, practices and systems

  • Discover what Personalised Care could look like in your setting and clinical practice.

  • Plan meaningful steps to deliver personalised care across your NHS Trust, Integrated Care or Social Care service.

Testimonials for Born at the Right Time Training

“Truly inspirational training”

"Very powerful"

"You have changed my practice from this moment on"

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can a whole team, department or organisation access this course?

    Yes, we would be delighted to host this training for your team, department or organisation. Please email for more information. 

  • Are there any more courses like this?

    Born at the Right Time Ltd delivers training on communication, co-production, collaboration and personalised care. We also collaborate with Simple Stuff Works to provide 24-hour postural care training. 

    To find out more please email 
