think differently coaching
Organisations must create a workplace that welcomes neurodiversity 1 in 7 people
is neurodivergent. In the global adult population, it's estimated that 10% are
dyslexic, 5% are dyspraxia, 4% have ADHD, and 1-2% are autistic. While these
statistics may signal a challenge, neurodiversity can also shine a light on many
strengths of thinking differently. Neurodivergent people often know what their
strengths and weaknesses are, which is built from a lifetime of creating
workarounds to allow them to reach their full potential. The world is changing,
and more significant uncertainty requires different thinking. Having clear
workplace policies that support a diverse workforce promotes fairness and
equality of opportunity and will also reduce stress and ensure well-being; we
need to understand better how different thinkers operate and add value. This
sends out positive messages to all the staff and demonstrates the company's