accord consult
WHAT WE DO! We are not a franchisor who demands you to deposit thousands before
training you to run a location of their business. It is important to remember
that not every business should be franchised. Not every business is successful,
nor is every business person. We empower you to own your company, trademarks,
and products. We train you to evaluate and understand the role and
responsibilities that you will be undertaking as a business owner. As a
consultant and trainer we will be taking what works and what has worked in care
business and formalizing these systems and procedures so that they may be taught
to and implemented by your own business. As such, our services will include:
Start Up of New Business or Reinvigorate Exisiting Business: Our start up
service is designed for organisations or individuals looking for a new start up
for domicilliary care or supported accomodation. Our primary responsibilities to
reinvigorate exisiting business will relate to establishing a marketing
foundation focused on promoting your brand, legally protecting your trademarks
and establishing quality standards for your products and/or services. You will
be required to establish and maintain performance standards respecting the
guidance and standards set by regulatory body to deliver quality of care.
Leadership: Don't ever forget that you can be your own boss. It's up to you to
set examples of the type of working environment and mentality you want in your
staff and business. How it gets steered is up to you. Brand Building: Your brand
is what makes you stand out. Employee Training: We have training sessions for
management to take back ownership. Our full package courses, can be an
invaluable help. Providing On-going Support: Support includes technical and
day-to-day operating advice. Part of our responsibility helps to oversee the
entire operations of your network.