Self-evaluation - find out how you can get it right.
This course will enable registered Nurses, Midwives and AHPs to effectively supervise pre-registration students in clinical placement.
How purposeful, high quality feedback can be used effectively to drive progress.
Get strategies for developing numeracy and literacy across the curriculum.
When used effectively, questioning is a useful teaching and learning strategy. During this workshop we will discuss how questioning can be used effectively to assess, challenge and stretch pupils progress.
This half day course is designed to help relatively inexperienced managers and supervisors to manage their staff effectively. The course can be run as a one-off session or can be incorporated into a series of sessions on managing staff. Alternatively it can be run as a day session and incorporate elements of the Managing the Difficult Staff member course. The course can concentrate on managing paid staff or (for voluntary and community sector organisations) can include aspects of supervising and supporting volunteers as well.
Summary This half day course is designed to help managers and supervisors understand the causes of poor behaviour and look at different strategies for dealing with this. The course can be run as a one-off session or can be incorporated into a series of sessions on managing staff. Alternatively it could be increased to a day-long course with participant’s role playing different scenarios in the afternoon. For voluntary and community organisation participants the course could include dealing with difficult volunteers as well as paid staff.
SMART Improvement Planning & Implementation
This course is aimed at health and social care staff who are both registered and unregistered, who work with or support individuals where safeguarding concerns are a possibility.
This course, which can be run as a half day (3.5 hours) or a whole day course, is designed to help those who chair or participate in meetings to understand how to run effective meetings that are constructive, concise and actually achieve something! The course can be adapted to cover meetings in general or focus on specific types of meetings such as trustee, director or committee meetings, staff or project meetings.