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Wellbeing Champion Facilitator Training course enables you to train your students or pupils to become Wellbeing Champions within your school or college.
The misuse of these terms can lead to delays, penalties, problems with payment and more. This half day seminar will explain Incoterms® and their importance in international trade contracts.
Start your Compassionate Safety journey with this WebWorkshop. In this WebWorkshop, you will learn: How to get everyone home safe every day. How to shift from ‘doing’ safety to ‘being’ safe. How to accommodate humans for being human. How the definition of safety must move beyond the physical to include psychological, emotional and spiritual.
Join Mark on Thursday mornings to move, explore, and wake up to your true nature. Mark's classes are all about re-connecting the body and mind in order to find a sense of health, integration, freedom and kindness. Most of the time his classes are based around the seasons, since the Chinese energy system is very connected to the time of year and changing seasons.
CPD Accredited, Interactive Half Day Course Two courses to choose from, a 2 hour and a 3.5 hour course, both going into depth as to what dyslexia is, how it effect people as they're growing up, and how it effects them as adults. We also look at what specific strengths those with dyslexia have (dyslexic thinking), and how to help them in the workplace and daily life with the parts they struggle with. Course Contents: Statistics Causes of dyslexia What is dyslexia Co-morbidities The effects of dyslexia in childhood The effects of dyslexia in adulthood Strengths in people with dyslexia Supporting people with dyslexia
Whetstone Communications and comms2point0 are pleased to bring you the Data Bites series of free webinars. Our aim is to boost interest and levels of data literacy among not-for-profit communicators.
An exciting 10-week course to build your Spanish skills from scratch. Practical applications for travel & conversation. Enlarge your vocabulary, improve your grammar in a pain-free, step-by-step way, working with a tutor with 10+ years' experience & a small group of learners.
This training is for lawyers who may come into contact with vulnerable people through their work. In particular, it is aimed at those who hold legal aid contracts and must meet the requirements of the Specialist Quality Mark (SQM) standard in respect of safeguarding. Everyone has the right to be kept safe from harm, abuse or neglect. We all have obligations to ensure that vulnerable people are protected and that we have appropriate procedures in place to ensure that abuse is identified and reported. We will help you to understand the following; What is safeguarding? The different types of abuse Example signs of abuse, harm and neglect What action should be taken if abuse is suspected The SQM requirements What a Safeguarding Policy should include Target Audience The online course is suitable for staff of all levels, from support staff to senior partners and is aimed at firms maintaining or wishing to obtain the Specialist Quality Mark. Resources Comprehensive and up to date course notes will be provided to all delegates which may be useful for ongoing reference or cascade training. Please note a recording of the course will not be made available. Speaker Amie Higgins, Consultant, DG Legal Amie is a Senior Solicitor, qualified under the Law Society’s Immigration & Asylum Accreditation Scheme (IAAS) as an Advanced Caseworker and Supervisor. Amie specialises in all aspects of Immigration, Asylum and Human Rights work, with a specialism in human trafficking/modern slavery cases and working with vulnerable clients. Amie is an experienced trainer, delivering a range of training on both legal and practice management topics.
Online webinar aimed at newcomers and beginners to road rallying helping to learn the basics.