skinni buddha yoga
skinnibuddha exists to provide affordable accessible yoga and yoga therapy to
the people of Plymouth. In 2012 a group of us set up London's first donation
based yoga studios, in Oxford Street and Blackfriars. Men and women were able to
attend yoga classes without the need to pay for monthly subscriptions or
expensive prices. A community of people interested in their personal health was
developing, but it was not based on income. After the success of the London
project we decided to do something similar back home in Plymouth. We began
teaching as a skillshare, swapping a yoga class for other skills such as graphic
design, web design, plumbing, carpentry, accountancy. In 2016 we started using
community spaces to offer yoga therapy on a donation basis. We couldn't keep up
with the demand and needed to find more venues to work in. Now you can find us
in some of the special places of Plymouth. The venues are located so you can be
near the waterfront before and after your class. And more than anything we still
stay true to our initial beginnings: you get to PAY WHAT YOU WANT for each class
in our community venues