The Sim Studio
Jo Murfin Coaching - Jo Murfin Coaching Jo Murfin Coaching – Specialist Leadership & Career Coach. Helping people to explore new ideas and find their strengths for a great career.
Welcome Insight - Improve leadership & management performance Welcome Insight works with senior leaders, boards, directors, partners and managers to improve performance. Bespoke coaching & development programmes.
Aboudihaj Nour Eddine - Path to Success
Unfortunately we cannot provide remote learning that would meet the support needs of our learners. We will maintain weekly contact with our learners throughout the lockdown period. We will endeavour to complete all our courses this year and look forward to resuming as soon as is safe.
Kayak and Canoe Coaching/Guiding Company| LM Coaching A Kayak and Canoe Coaching and Guiding company, run by a female paddlesports coach, delivering Canoe/Kayaking throughout the UK, Ireland and Europe.
James O'Halloran the Innovators Coach James works with Founders and Entrepreneurs. Innovative people and their teams. A strategic thinker, he will explore wide and deep until the necessary action becomes clear AND compelling. James works with you on the wicked problems of business life: Leadership; Strategy; People; Recruitment; Motivation; Delegation; Money. James will help you find flow, joy and headspace. The rest is inevitable.