Keeping Yourself in Mind: An ACT-informed programme for people supporting a family member with JHD We are pleased to invite you to our virtual course for parents and family carers of people living with Juvenile Huntington’s disease. The course will be run by Sarah Gunn, a clinical psychologist and researcher at the University of Leicester, and will be based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a therapeutic approach which focuses on learning to manage difficult thoughts and feelings, and to live a life which feels valuable and meaningful despite the struggles we encounter. This is an opportunity to explore the difficulties that can be associated with caring for a person with JHD (for you and within the family), to identify the values that matter most to you, and for you to think about how to move towards a more rich and valued life than you may have now. This is an eight-week course running from Wednesday 7 February to Wednesday 27 March 2024. The sessions will be on a Wednesday afternoon 1-2.30pm. Here is a very brief session outline: Week 1: Introductions: To ACT, to the programme, and to each other Week 2: Impacts of Juvenile Huntington’s on the “carer”* and wider family Week 3: Psychological wellbeing when supporting a person with Juvenile Huntington’s Week 4: Coping and adjustment: Living with, not battling against Week 5: What matters to you: Finding your values Week 6: Moving forward: Taking steps to align with your values Week 7: Living a valued life alongside Huntington’s: Plans and coping strategies Week 8: Reflection and ending: What’s next? *Note: Some people don’t like this term, so here we’re using it in quote marks. During the course, we will discuss which term would be preferred by the people attending. For more information on what information we collect and how we use it when booking onto one of our events, please see our privacy policy on our website.
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LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION Sarah Williams is a Director of the Sophie Hicks Agency which she joined in 2014 and she has worked as a literary agent for over 10 years. Sarah represents a wide range of adult fiction and non-fiction and as she runs the film and television side of the agency, she is particularly interested in books that have screen potential. She is looking for literary fiction, reading group fiction, memoir and lifestyle/personal development - basically any book that can surprise, change and challenge a reader. Recent favourites are Tides by Sara Freeman, The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller, Early Morning Riser by Katherine Heiney and In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado. Sarah would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 page synopsis and the first 20 - 30 pages of your manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Sarah is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print). By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Tuesday 19 November 2024
I am a Reiki Teacher in Manchester and one of the few traditionally trained Reiki Masters in the UK who have been trained by international best-selling Reiki author Penelope Quest. My teaching methods use traditional Reiki techniques perfected over many years and you can be assured of my support during and after your course. I teach all three levels of Reiki courses, level 1 reiki. level 2 reiki and reiki master level 3
This self-paced, online course provides an overview of AML, the measures needed for efficient AML controls, Suspicious Transaction Monitoring, and Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) to help delegates understand their obligations to report suspicious activity, when to report suspicious activity, and how to report better quality SARs. Description Financial crime encompasses many threats to organizations and financial institutions. It has become a major risk in terms of reputation, integrity, and compliance for the financial community at large. Organizations must be able to mitigate risks by having an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance programme in place, one that can effectively identify and report suspicious activities (SAR). This course will give you a comprehensive overview of everything that is relevant in terms of AML and suspicious activity reports. The course covers several important issues, including: • Definitions and legal framework of anti-money laundering and combating terrorism financing • Offences in the financial markets designated as money laundering offences • Reasons for the deficiency in financial market governance • Measures needed for efficient anti-money laundering controls (essential control features to minimize ML/TF in financial markets) • Suspicious Activity Report (SARs) and how these are related to money laundering prevention • Defining and identifying several types of suspicious activity and relevant reporting obligations • Who reports on money laundering trends • International regulatory/legal requirements related to SARs • Common indicators of suspicious transactions • Examples of red flag indicators • Case studies and examples Training Duration This course may take up to four (4) hours to complete. However, actual study time differs as each learner uses their own training pace. Participants This course is ideal for anyone wishing to acquire and demonstrate specialized knowledge in AML compliance and SARs. It is also suitable for professionals pursuing regulatory CPD in Financial Regulation. • MLCO • Governance Officer • Compliance Manager • Front line staff • Asset/wealth managers • AML officer • Risk Manager • Audit Executive • Internal Auditor • Corporate Counsel Training Method The course is offered fully online using a self-paced approach. The learning units consist of reading material. Learners may start, stop and resume their training at any time. At the end of the session, participants take a quiz to complete their learning unit and earn a Certificate of Attendance once all quizzes have been passed successfully. Accreditation and CPD Recognition This programme has been developed by the European Institute of Management & finance (EIMF), a leading and recognised training institution. The syllabus is verified by external subject matter experts and may be accredited by financial regulators, and general financial training accreditation bodies, such as CISI, ICA, and ACAMS for 4 CPD Units. Eligibility criteria and CPD Units are verified directly by your association or other bodies in which you hold membership. Registration and Access To register to this course, click on the Get this course button to pay online and receive your access instantly. If you are purchasing this course on behalf of others, please be advised that you will need to create or use their personal profile before finalising your payment. If you wish to receive an invoice instead of paying online, please contact us at Access to the course is valid for 180 days.
SARs Investigations: Practice like a Professional Designed to either complement Managing SARS Investigations Best Practice Guide or as standalone learning, this unique course will put you in the centre of an investigative scenario, providing you with direct practical experience. You will have the opportunity to explore the key elements of investigating an internal report or alert and to use the skills and techniques required including analysis, decision making and articulating suspicions. Fundamentals- demonstrate a solid understanding of SARs and be able to describe the internal investigations that can lead to the filing of a report. Identify- the circumstances that led to the filing of an internal SAR in the scenario. Confidence- conduct an effective and robust investigation into reported suspicious activity, applying judgement and critically assessing the information available in order to make the correct decisions. This course and its contents, are in no way intended to constitute legal advice in the writing or submission of Suspicious Activity Reports. What do our customers say? "Superb. Really enjoyed doing this short course. An immersive and thought-provoking experience that puts you totally into the Nominated Officer seat!" Kier Hayes VISA
In today's rapidly evolving financial landscape, ensuring the security of transactions is paramount. 'Transaction Monitoring in Financial Services: Ensuring Security' offers a comprehensive deep dive into the world of transaction analysis and its vital role in safeguarding financial institutions. Learners embark on a journey from understanding the basics in our first module, to exploring the intricate nuances of regulatory structures, and finally envisioning the future of transaction monitoring. It's a blend of critical knowledge and innovative insights designed to bolster financial security measures. This course demystifies the complexities behind transaction monitoring systems, highlighting the imperative need to reduce false positives. Furthermore, attendees will delve into the signals of suspicious activities, counter-terrorism financing techniques, and the significance of name screening in the contemporary financial ecosystem. As the digital age advances, there's no better time than now to equip oneself with the expertise to navigate the challenges and opportunities of transaction security. Learning Outcomes Comprehend the foundational concepts of transaction monitoring in the financial sector. Analyse the regulatory framework, discerning its significance in a risk-based approach. Evaluate transaction monitoring systems and strategise methods for minimising false positives. Identify and respond to red flags while efficiently leveraging Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR). Understand terrorism financing deterrents, the process of name screening, and the importance of meticulous record-keeping. Why buy this Transaction Monitoring in Financial Services: Ensuring Security? Unlimited access to the course for a lifetime. Opportunity to earn a certificate accredited by the CPD Quality Standards and CIQ after completing this course. Structured lesson planning in line with industry standards. Immerse yourself in innovative and captivating course materials and activities. Assessments designed to evaluate advanced cognitive abilities and skill proficiency. Flexibility to complete the Course at your own pace, on your own schedule. Receive full tutor support throughout the week, from Monday to Friday, to enhance your learning experience. Unlock career resources for CV improvement, interview readiness, and job success. Who is this Transaction Monitoring in Financial Services: Ensuring Security for? Financial analysts eager to deepen their understanding of transaction security. Regulatory compliance officers keen on fortifying institutional safeguards. Risk management professionals aiming to master transaction analysis techniques. Finance students seeking cutting-edge knowledge in transactional security measures. Digital banking technologists desiring to ensure robust digital transaction security. Career path Financial Security Analyst: £40,000 - £60,000 Compliance Officer: £30,000 - £50,000 Risk Management Specialist: £45,000 - £65,000 Financial Systems Developer: £50,000 - £70,000 AML (Anti-Money Laundering) Specialist: £35,000 - £55,000 Digital Banking Strategist: £55,000 - £75,000 Prerequisites This Transaction Monitoring in Financial Services: Ensuring Security does not require you to have any prior qualifications or experience. You can just enrol and start learning.This Transaction Monitoring in Financial Services: Ensuring Security was made by professionals and it is compatible with all PC's, Mac's, tablets and smartphones. You will be able to access the course from anywhere at any time as long as you have a good enough internet connection. Certification After studying the course materials, there will be a written assignment test which you can take at the end of the course. After successfully passing the test you will be able to claim the pdf certificate for £4.99 Original Hard Copy certificates need to be ordered at an additional cost of £8. Course Curriculum Module 01: Introduction to Transaction Monitoring Introduction to Transaction Monitoring 00:12:00 Module 02: Regulatory Framework and Risk-Based Approach Regulatory Framework and Risk-Based Approach 00:13:00 Module 03: Transaction Monitoring Systems and False Positives Reduction Transaction Monitoring Systems and False Positives Reduction 00:13:00 Module 04: Red Flags and SAR Red Flags and SAR 00:13:00 Module 05: Terrorism Financing, Name Screening, and Record-Keeping Terrorism Financing, Name Screening, and Record-Keeping 00:33:00 Module 06: Future of Transaction Monitoring Future of Transaction Monitoring 00:25:00
Description Drug Design And Discovery Diploma Discover the fascinating world of drug development with the Drug Design And Discovery Diploma, an online course that demystifies the intricate processes and techniques used in the pharmaceutical industry. With advancements in medicine and technology, the need for skilled professionals in the realm of drug design and discovery is paramount. This diploma ensures you are well-equipped with the knowledge and expertise required in this ever-evolving sector. The Drug Design And Discovery Diploma begins with an introduction to drug design and discovery, laying the foundation for the comprehensive topics to follow. It explains the significance of developing new therapeutic agents and the challenges faced in the initial stages of drug discovery. Next, the course shifts its focus to target identification and validation, a pivotal step in ensuring that potential drugs interact with the desired molecular structures within the body. This is followed by an exploration of computational methods in drug design, where learners will be introduced to the latest software tools and techniques utilised to design new drug molecules efficiently. High throughput screening, a key technique used in modern drug discovery to quickly evaluate the effects of thousands of compounds, is also covered extensively in the course. The aim here is to familiarise students with the methodologies that facilitate rapid identification of potential drug candidates. One of the crucial aspects of drug design is understanding the relationship between a drug's chemical structure and its pharmacological activity. The section on Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) Analysis helps elucidate this complex interplay, providing students with insights into how tiny molecular changes can significantly affect a drug's efficacy and safety. The Drug Design And Discovery Diploma also delves into drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics. Here, learners get an understanding of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolised, and excreted by the body, ensuring they can design drugs that not only work effectively but are also safe for consumption. Toxicology and safety profiling follow next, teaching students the importance of assessing the potential adverse effects of new drug candidates. This knowledge is vital, ensuring that any potential drug has minimal side effects when administered. Before any drug reaches the market, it undergoes rigorous testing. The course provides a comprehensive overview of both preclinical and clinical trials, educating learners on the stages and methodologies involved in ensuring a drug's safety and effectiveness. An important component of drug development is how it is delivered to the targeted site in the body. The section on drug delivery systems offers insights into the various methods and technologies available to transport drugs effectively within the body. Finally, the Drug Design And Discovery Diploma concludes with a look at the future trends and challenges in the field. As the pharmaceutical industry is always evolving, it's essential for professionals to stay updated with the latest developments and potential hurdles they might face. In summary, the Drug Design And Discovery Diploma is a comprehensive online course that provides a deep understanding of the modern drug development process. From initial design to eventual market release, this course equips learners with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the dynamic world of drug discovery. What you will learn 1:Introduction to Drug Design and Discovery 2:Target Identification and Validation 3:Computational Methods in Drug Design 4:High Throughput Screening 5:Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) Analysis 6:Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 7:Toxicology and Safety Profiling 8:Preclinical and Clinical Trials 9:Drug Delivery Systems 10:Future Trends and Challenges Course Outcomes After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. Assessment Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. Accreditation Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.
Overview of Transaction Monitoring Course Transaction monitoring is the process that helps ensure financial crime stays away. It's a regulatory requirement for financial institutions which involves keeping a keen eye on transactions within a financial system to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. This Transaction Monitoring Course will guide you through creating an effective and compliant transaction monitoring system for AML. The Transaction Monitoring Course will give you insights into transaction monitoring fundamentals and how they contribute to effective AML procedures. From the interactive modules, you'll learn about the risks that can affect institutions and how to take the necessary steps to mitigate potential threats. Again, you'll learn how to detect unusual transaction patterns and customer activity and decide whether or not to file a suspicious activity. The course will also explain the difference between transaction monitoring and name screening and how they help identify suspicious and unusual factors that require further investigation. Course Preview Learning Outcomes Identify the core components of the transaction monitoring process. Realise the role of transaction monitoring in AML Know how to identify and manage different types of risks Learn how to spot red flags that suggest potential criminal activity Understand the requirement for record-keeping of transactions and customer identity Why Take This Course From John Academy? Affordable, well-structured and high-quality e-learning study materials Meticulously crafted engaging and informative tutorial videos and materials Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result Earn UK & internationally recognised accredited qualification Easily access the course content on mobile, tablet, or desktop from anywhere, anytime Excellent career advancement opportunities Get 24/7 student support via email Who Should Take this Transaction Monitoring Course? Whether you're an existing practitioner or an aspiring professional, this course is an ideal training opportunity. It will elevate your expertise and boost your CV with key skills and a recognised qualification attesting to your knowledge. Are There Any Entry Requirements? This Transaction Monitoring Course is available to all learners of all academic backgrounds. But learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. And a good understanding of the English language, numeracy, and ICT will be helpful. Certification After completing and passing the Transaction Monitoring Course successfully, you will be able to obtain a Recognised Certificate of Achievement. Learners can obtain the certificate in hard copy at £14.99 or PDF format at £11.99. Career Pathâ The Transaction Monitoring Course provides essential skills that will make you more effective in your role. It would be beneficial for any related profession in the industry, such as: Compliance Officer Financial Analyst Transaction Monitoring Specialist AML Analyst Regulatory Compliance Manager AML Compliance Analyst Risk Management Specialist AML Program Manager Module 01: Introduction to Transaction Monitoring Introduction to Transaction Monitoring 00:12:00 Module 02: Regulatory Framework and Risk-Based Approach Regulatory Framework and Risk-Based Approach 00:13:00 Module 03: Transaction Monitoring Systems and False Positives Reduction Transaction Monitoring Systems and False Positives Reduction 00:13:00 Module 04: Red Flags and SAR Red Flags and SAR 00:13:00 Module 05: Terrorism Financing, Name Screening, and Record-Keeping Terrorism Financing, Name Screening, and Record-Keeping 00:33:00 Module 06: Future of Transaction Monitoring Future of Transaction Monitoring 00:25:00 Certificate and Transcript Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00
Master the art of safeguarding your business with our Transaction Monitoring Masterclass. Detect and prevent fraud effectively through in-depth exploration of regulatory frameworks, risk-based approaches, advanced monitoring systems, and the future of transaction security. Join us to acquire essential skills, reduce false positives, and stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of financial security. Protect your business with confidence.