touch wood
Hi! Welcome to Touch Wood. My name is Maurice Clother and I am a forester and
green woodworker based in rural Herefordshire. Using sustainably harvested
native hardwoods, I make a wide range of items from turnery and treen to
furniture, treebogs and other timber framed structures. I have long had a
fascination for traditional woodland crafts, and have researched the subject
exhaustively, and been lucky to be able to develop my skills and understanding
of the ways traditional woodland crafts can swiftly transform wood into useful
and attractive items. The use of hand tools and the skills our ancestors
possessed are still accessible to us today; we just need to sharpen up those old
tools and make the journey into the wood! I have been a teacher of green
woodwork since 2001. Throughout 2022 I am able to offer a series of courses from
April in our canvas covered workshop, within the beautiful woodlands of May Hill
just over the county border in Gloucestershire.